p£qle, wgr^, known to 1 d§peif|l: npon thsi^ill of ihe
soygr.eigrjs whe^| m^he.idistant pajgt^)f his
miniogg ;felt, without,s&eing thom^thes\^ghtcofihisjau-
tTinriia^vjt inferred,. that physigg^
lik^is&'by-.g* personified bgjqg^Jiqwgvet) mv-isjibiq$
w.K^sp pravpiirfS».^^~>ej|r(j>[;be yarned, and - .protection | grapth
ed^.hy the^same Means,, which^y^iig^r^fibised in^thg;
moral conduct of fhe|£|g(rijj|fi? 1:
,ThQs&imeans dr ^ffering^ W0ref^qm^ mgdeibyu.a.
particular./dasyoof p en , rfe^er^l^-ataqie^fi ministers of
th e ^ ta r, when much of, the,sacrifices sthat
u§fJ-3|td when -the- people
themsplymbepame the sacrifiqers5 tlre-yi ipilib^ina.a<nn1,er,',<
after a formal offering to the invi^blfef&phit, feasted on
thet&acrifices themselves, devotingonly tot fie deity som^
minute but material part of, it,, siich. fogs^&mple £as, the
oifianjd,aalt- The natural quality gf, th ej^g p erarticle, .
whan ipucfeqj;|| happehechto be thrown «upon agjfatgd
wgnfft^QSmooth immediately their surface, served as a
confirmation of the supernatural pow»ffiffifi the spirit that*
had been addressed, and o f its satisfaction a tth ^ g i^ h a g -
madgjtg. it.-;, and .salt is considered .^p; be anyi|s£ntiai .ret.
ljsh^to most .kinds of; fogd,, therefore,
Mil, it was supposed, to beacceptabiey > ;
The Chinese, appear-to have beep fed,* from the -influence
of,jthe$pne eaipgs, fe>:,#lnei^ei;with»Resina-'
tions) in the pature of their offerings. When, a fowl, for
examples \ wi&sitMifippffered by * ^ ;th^ e# f Te^Mi"fei wt asre&•d,Na inne d ^ dto"
Iwfr J t h |^ 6' the* priest should brmg it unto £<*>-
f>rt^^#lt3T,o^n^wring:offf Ms» head?;‘and burhj it<on .the _
and the'^©+fd;!th^f^|®^iaiy| fe#|vrnh.^afttb*at«
f/jjlh'&sj^ejofut'hi^'talt^i! and;pi> shbuldr? pliick awa^ hfs
il oiop*Avitlnt^^lealhc^p.ai5(li'da’l(? itbe'side* thelafbaW/ ,
T h |i.S ai^ 3p j|g p |||’^|gfe|^%)»,cgmmai^l'e/$o‘5fnQte' to> suffer
-iffhS» s?te§^i^^eye,harfibo'fi thohtQo^|t^|h^laeM'^iro'm
:(yPiofaEfe,c b tiff,-Glass! C; w#ifePlUniention th^tifee'; ‘of oil
andisalt^'sa qommonj in thdtisac]pfi,(®|i0fethe; aricientJM®
^^gil|^desceibei^^neas3;as?pouring oik on • the
|f | Og htetf dvyiCfim s : y'
'mtof^P^M'fnndenS' ardentibusyexfeis’b i''
Ovid Mentions in the» oblations-of the primitive Italian^,
tMT t
_ —r—;—“ Puri lucida mica sails ;”b
and Horace,, tfie 1
. —---- “ Saliente mica;” *
among the peace-offerings to>the irritated Penates.*
Together; with- thpsnjofferihgs, how.eyer,^^h#| eier1-
tionsj ^ro- found? .necps$ar y -to* overcome the svibfBiieecOf
the Y'glfp-W'river,'aadjfce. transport large, yachts ins safety4
to the opposite, shoJ^fj
The wind was fair, when«fhi|s®| of, thfe? Embassy un-
dertpohit.'' They wbre-towed b r ig h t,; and
had the- assistance of' their -own sails;arid-sculling
VOL. II. mm