Pekin, to the Embassy happeftd, in the' vacancy©! eiriploy-
merit, during his Excellency’s absence, but without ber
ing impelled by any motivepffPimproper ƒ'triwalk
upoxi,the walls of the hotel. This accMeutalue-
curreriee was: considered as unbecoming, and. give;-'of*
fericSoto the neighbourhood; but the- practice, updn
representation, was immediately-discontinued: At this
period a confused account arrivedrat Peking ofthe'tem*
porary contest about the ceremony of reception*,i which
at Zhe-hol was so quickly settfedtf» Some! politicians
inferred from thence*.hpside- considering the Embassador’s;
visit at an end, that he would not :be allowed to
return to the capital; but likorthri dekgatfcs who-* left
Tartary at the same time, would bnpbliged t© eoritripaie
his route witliout pissing through i t : The arrifrafof his
Excellency put an end to these conjecturesy n
His entrance into Pekin was attended, withithefmsual
honours, and he received the custom^yfjfe|tffiftomthp
principal mandarinesftseveral of whom were<ih-,-waitin|g
for him at his hotel. Yet he wasaWare of the propriet-yof
fixing alimit to his Embassy. The permanent residence rif
a minister in China, from a foreign-court, was yrit utterly
unknown in that country. The maxim of considering
foreign embassadors as guests, whose charges it waslfetf
coming to defray at the public-charge, while they rion*
tinued in the country, led naturally to the rule of put*
ting, quickly, a period, to their stay. The extraordinary
,degre‘e ,°ffex^e^e^|,whicly th^sptemdid treatments,given
.tri the English, ori^^|b‘npd^to the >E-ih4pe#or| -was an -ad*
>di^6rigl;Jp g ^ ig e rit? ^ |tfst,'‘thjej the. .visit,
thj^hinpspV nation,
W / ab rupyyMg pr®,p*d bfh ibtth iswfiisri. r] ip te _
matic missiongifp^lgi^ingi/up' itsla||©|en!j;. notiort^foin .rfi-
gardtopubli ci^ i^»r s„*.apdl for ^u|fe^ng^h onafebpar th e i r
,,own e'xpenggs,Jw«h;ile,yet wibhiMh^domunions|aE£!kjpa
His E^eellen^y t was, detenmintedf, thfe^|^r©vV,£^ld,esij!e
|egyeltri|depart, after- the|^eA|Jfe&dLYal, in the-be.gin’
<§$ tjjf ^Ghingsq^ypaf^ in^February. During that interval,'
wfiatey^r he could Teasrinabl^fe^peAto^bf airi ! on
to^ffpl^ and ab' amicable
and frequent- intercourse r^gh^gtadnally beiestablished
for the mutual co n venien^of both „nations.
His J^ q e lle n iy understood,^indeed; that sqmei proi
posaj foy, hist departure-, -woukf be pStphte-^pe^tedv^-Jid
that-at Yuen-min-yuen, the pfefSQm’4dgft there4o-ad|ust
tbeu^ice machines, brought*out-as<pr^sS^|JiA<wefeturged*to
fin^ft thrijfi work, -lest ^e^s'lhould' be,, leftf incompletei
Dr. Dinwiddiet\CQntini|^nlmOst- gonstantly < there, to
dirept the workmenin putfcingrtosets%r tHe^arious, complicated
parts of the Planetarium. Mr.dfarrow went
and resided occasional:ly>at thee same’ plaiG®,'.to ,superin-
tentj the arrangement of all the other. presents. He had
vol. n . N n