plaints, the eonqUerdr hntePSf^pproaxEhes her with- respect?
addresses h^dma%e®fcte4ornev sodthesMrewsorihws
with h is-. compassion, talks of lm^e?a»d^i®tatifon, andslake
Richardkhe Third, with lady Anne»,jin- Shakspeare,-pt>e-
^ail^ in i f e ih a n half an'hour, ont^ e^irfes^piindasB
to drymp her tears ;h© .forget h rew d eG e a k e ^ h om o r^ ia n d
yield to a consoling, wooer. T The, piech concludes* w ill
the nuptials, and a grand procession* Onewfe th ep rin -
cipal scenesiis represented inPlate 30iof the folroAnMiind.
At Tien-sing the Einbassado^re^eived! a Grunts’ from
the: squadron at the diver's mouth. l \ x ^ t q x m & & T
a speedy departure: Sir Erasmus'Qowfer^h-aYmg^e’^ i ^
the-order for su p p ly Ju rh ad »requested? whkki^si-tdk-
rected to the mandarine^ wherever he mightda^vef©^
sibnJito stop for the recovery-.of his meh, cr It ifeem«, indeed,
that twelve months provisions w’e re/offered him
from Tar-coo, as if already id prepare him forihiSTeturn
home,'it being known that he had been .ten months in
h i s voyage out. ";!
j AmUn§ the passeitgefs/returning, in thd $hcde®voUr.;'
to ©ant®®*; beside the interpreter who would not .venture
to-proceed to Pekin, were two missionaries, 'wh«(colild
hot, for want of a licence, be taken to that capital. These
men, who from a very early period of their liYes had
devoted themselves, to the* propagation of Christianity in
foreign parts, were-^eilt.:'&ir4^y«afs'- since1, b y /th e ’superiors
of the missions, then resident at Paris, to Macao,
in iordehy.froto fhèncd>ctd f^m ^heiri brethren at Pekin.
TheyifamvBek in! the nriHst 'öf bperfthcütitiM^of Chris-
t-k*a?sf in sé^fiali fuo^itbesfbfi- thé fEmpirêY* TthWed its
origin" feo\sgiïfe/reafior |iretèwdefdipp?a'ctócl§&6f the Euro-
peau ?p|ëaöhers;,^©T' thei/tÊlwélèftb'|^érfe,'t>f fttÊMêricy
to produce ^s^tirhanbe. T h e e jfe te sy of fhd>priests óf
the ^elfeiA^telread^ ^ teaiifeh¥l^fni China. 'Working ón
th e ‘pr^jriadiM^^r^pasSte~»te||thte'‘mandarines, often led
d litrbdu'etloti'^öf inêiv-
Jelhs>4and nov©l|d|fctrin%^sdikel^ite:.faffejfct- théferanqpil-
MtyioPthe^tMëK^fThoSèipyê^èeUtibns iric-reased the ‘dM*-'
cu’lty anddangec farlfchpnè-wtm'lssiohatfe^ta fcraYfefs^thf
country' unp©rë^^ê#^:^he^w'#ië?f-i n -fêhe-Mean thne^bê^
cüpiedbythesUpefiéfii.el'l^g.^ëkM'aeac), in giving instruction
eoJyöurig?Pey£h^tr^^'i'nteÉïd2d föht'He priê&t'höödj
They had not? 'h'ÖSweyef^li^s^fhtfeft^bei-pbriginalldeit^
nafcir0 n ,tan d i|a .g |^ ^ J|lÊ i^ h l« fe ïa ê ^> id fe lan iti® i^ tb p iïF S tiéh .i
^Pheyhadjhiföre ^h^lteft?ipi^pfe,o^lialifred’ themselves,
by.* some- -ap'plfetidni 10 Srffatbematï&afaahd', iastiqnfe-ïnióal
studies-, lo ’be' o f Use1 at thehbservatory kinP'ekib,I Onbtóf
them had been^nf@^st|m^£im^i é pupil of thë’jeelqbrated
astroriörfiier Talande^yTheir " tedents$ a'nd 1 afoquireïnentS;
when known tb theyEdïpe-foï/ rtfighttirenderj them isic'i
ceptable ;/4ndm?ight ,at lengthcpjp ^ rre themyseatsiindts
tribunal ëSiffathematiek, in the -imp èïi al ip al ace*. It is the
o'rijtyd department -of the statdito - which,1 Europeans i^re
competent. The^c .whojbéfong .-te. ittat- present are Pof