wards by/the ^tempting bait of plunder, ;be;jmarched;|p
the gates of Pekin.' The ull-fa^edi monarch, *t©u slightly
supported, and possessed of too little energy! to resist ;
but with sentiments too .elevated tarbrookisubmlssiomtu
an -enemy who had been his.subjeet,>and determi-ned to,
save his offspring from the danger;of dishonour, stabbed.
his only daughter, and put an end to h>is ow n ^ e -^ ijth
a cord,-in one of those edifices abovementione.4, which ha4
been éieétedifor far other purposes. The;pla£e
ip the folio .volume, is a-view of the mount whic^by^||>
the sggne of this melancholy eveniUU
From the spot, whence an opportunity thus offered
take a glancey- through the- gates of tlieupalA^.’W.a^l,^
part of what was,inclosed within it, the.eye.t turhingjjfp
the norths observed through a street extending éêA tkff
city* wall, the great fabric,|q£ considerable,height,,which
include^ a hell of prodigipug^siife and eylind||icv|ig|^
that, struck on the outside with a wo.odenmallët, eniits.a
sound distinctly heard>throughout theiCapital. Beyond
it, rhut more .to the, westward, was j one pfathei{northern
ptte^, the watch-tower over which rendered: it yi^ihle
above the intermediate; buildings. Projceedihg on jbfc
yond the palace gates directly to the: westward,' befWefen
tjre yellow wall and the northern b uildings, pf,;the e ity ,
is a lake of some acres in extent, now, in autujnn, almost
entirely overspread with the peltated leaf of the nymphaa
nelumbp, or lien-wha of the Chinese. The leaf pf this
plant, beside the* oAdCl^sl&riwhidh > nature had,in,~ , setm'.'
tended' that jpaft^bf'ivsgdtahsfes, ha^fropi its structure^,
growing entirely found the^Sfalk> tthe ad.vhnbag.0i©f r;d-e;-j.
fendingthd? h^’WefhaiddRfruig/fgrdwirEgjfiom itsreentrp,,
from ^hyfcpntaeteiwith th©l,wa^d?f^|tr.eh might«’irgure
themi'^iThe fro:o;t)\vbf; the fu rn i^ e ^ a\tsteut.
which,indvehifaiis ,to akeeniel .irurthe,*
OYel’J dip t h?,1»- unlg^ssift^pats'e, j.of - a ^sudd&jii;
irmril fit.’ aftfi,Hst^he^shrfa®eH®s^aw^d.^d^&e^an^^ crests
and swim.s upon*iti,i,andrkometimeSf.ri,se^iah®p.e it. ;Thik
plant w hichibeaCsjtdi&‘nih®®;0P Sjhold, o ft thi^ y e fni wanted
i-s;wifcb elifficulty.reared-ih Eurapeap»is(Av,es| Ifeflp^eXS'
areas ^beautiful. and fragrant’ as, theseed is afegfuliths,thei
The ^B«wt^WasF tsonstihued Westerly’through .thfeceityk
The dwelling-house of .^©faefRussiMishw-a'stfpoint ed lauh?
anidlSvhab was iSa©ife> singulkrt a libralry okforeigntmanuscripts,
oneidf whichfleas' said to; bd an'Arabie^eopyiof
the Koran'. Some Mahometans-Wereseen, di^(Stm§PjsMdby'
red,caps-. Among -the-specfatump'fethe^■mwie^^ht^ilorue^
■^meti/weafdPlbsdfv^i The grektest riumbelesTOerefSai'd
to beiriativesipf Tartary/Lor. of a Tartanrafe» TKfem’ifcsdfe
were h o t cramped,.' like;lh’^ei®f'jt;ke,ClA^e-;’^ihd. their
shoes with broMftbes,' and!soles rahovd ah rnchinvthick-
nessi 'were .-as;'’clumsy as tfeo(sei jof .the oBiginalifjShsia'ese
ladies.were diminutive, Afewbfkthe. fcrimeh'w$se W,e^
dressed,hwith delicate- ’features’, 5and thei® cdmp’leMdrfs