the Emperor, which? are «Mentioned towards jthe .end of
the. last /chapter. It stood upon- an irregular surface near
the Basejofdacgentle hill, which, with; a; part of: the vale
below, was inclosed* and divided inttha park and pleasure
. grounds, -withta very pleasingreffecti? .Trees were
Hec&ithickly,interspersedg but permitted chview* through
theta of a stream running at a little"distances Beyond
it, the.rising hills were sdme.of them plantedlianebsotae
left» nakedr The different ©bj ects, seemed* in their natural
sfcatfe and1'as if Assembled here, ©niyrbp;%<jpr{*w^te
c h a n i# A Chinese gardener is the^paitaerj# nature.;
consulting .which he »contrives,t without “>mie o r science;,
to unite simplicity Mid beauty.«*;
A little way beyond the palace? ffhefibills 4 approached
-caohitother, and formed a passi£lM9it§3» jH^fein..- width.
I n . their neighbourhood were s6me«.miirierali springs*,
called'the Emperor’s baths; either from hayiffif bee'n
fitted up at his e t p f n ^ or from having
some of jthp imperial family; or becausei(h%i^the^gene^
ral owner of- every ;thing; not particularly ^appropriated.
Beyond the pass an extensive plain opened, on which
-w.ta^ii^Yejtfal fvillageSj.twcr walled' towns.of thew^Jpnd
order; and another imperial palace. In the pleasure
grounds about this palace .were perceived some traces
of a white, substance like chalk coming, in technical
language, to the day** a
In such parts of the -fslaftds of Africa, of the continent
®f America,Hlf the» SoufiKerrii Isktadstitad ofi fibe* Asiatic Joarneyto
teMinteilto > ,» •> 11 .* >m 'continent*,' FaaVha'd? beenb alreaid Vy ; vbib d fh y 5 thpup'' resent .thePJrJoanjttlheer-r n
travellers*; itt&lll* course* of this* expedition, th ey d id ‘hbt; ~
sinhe they quitted? Effpa^id ^ orice? lfiedjfeMforSwirh if hat
is'-so'doinMomthere,'lai-rehalky^^pqaraln^^tO'r any flint
in thb'sb^rpeiof nodules,'dike hhoti’lki timber, butswhieh
are*tarrangedr %arig'ratdy ici’^ h o ’fii^eslral I&n’enil^becJkof
'chalk. T lw G&i€afbolts * subgfiincell^ 1 ari y ‘ kirub>wbrc1i
1 «wpcfersegnibytthemrin that long* te e ty bore;But« a lifer y
i^mall? proportion Itor-the rp ro d ife ^ l^ ^B a ^ ifilfife ^ d r
taassb&'bf grtoite^uwhich pase?ented/tKeJrSbliv/^l®fEer
rjxlOntly throughout theferoute^ Ofitjhe^th'e? ftrsbka's not
ohse'r.vtablejs’ ahd th^sedond’wds^ar^j.ln.Ehglahdijjiahfhey
werO>flike{wi?s©*im -.tfehlftesenfifbutai 't-adT-ai^aiiy, wheta
those English travellers^b©gari) thif^rhe^ve» sfener^l; miner
ralogibalresemblanoes to thekrowni cbuntrydl;
' -’Most* of the hills, however*;, passed; by in the/second
dayVjourn'ey. had something; peeuBsarh inf ;thbfcdorm1t1id
positibn’: each standing- o n »itsr'ownobksis^i andj;rising
singly? from the plain, in which?- they,jwfere- seal fefecb
about without orders '!Thoyfappeared .feoraffect'
surfaces;*separated by angled,?)blit rodnded<or rshorf eri efd
in the lapse of time, and yef re.tainiug ^ctamiicb of, ifegu-
lar forms as io\exohg the faneyjof'eomparinghhdse masses
to: gigantic crystalli-zatiofis*.|.f\
In therdow grounds in this? part oh thehoountry great
quantities of tobacco are planted. Its smokeusJinhaled