V t ó '-to t Ëttipeïflr p® p tst %f his Majesty's lentif:-^k>- tfeo EMpefbft flad
there, however, been 'fl* pMttetifeSfMotive for his >E&-
teilldrtey’s declining die Vktk-St'thaft Moment, hfe WajStoo
■much 'indisposed t'omake it. He determined 'therefore,
<m ^%^send ttbfe ^e^e^ary etf >tlfe Effifeassy
$MJus WMin^dpy^offhe fKft'g% hiiteiy- and kite
MeMtfrM'f^tHMerd byThfetLiegate. *TM*GhM®se*feidfids
of th i Emi&Ssadtir We¥e so ftJjprfe^^isiVte'tjfli^irtg inMl*-
•pEfted as th e Wf iteffc o#4t, that they (defined it'to %e SigM
^d b y the page whe febpied it,i tMt&riilydtM, be Ms wiit-
-ingl. flis Efskselfeney gave iiistrtfcfehs'#) the#ic®itwy
■OH'dvery point That was ifikely jto -fee agitated; Theeti-
•tjttefffe of The1 (&hittfe3e> COM* list pefcfnitfffig tfee
fo hoMidnyhateapaeity y;ahyi<fe#^ersatieft withitfee^aitoe
Minister/Mifveh M'sftdctWndn'his p^dateey^tlbntMne
necessary to m&keWe(ttfTfae commission ^M in iste r Plenipotentiary,
Whtehfeis Maje'sty ?had graHee'd w h ite, M
net i n case of! the Etnbassadnris ‘absence or indifspositisi.
in this eftanfeter “be waited -upon $hn Gnlbo, whem ihe
;found inra-'Smallapaftffieeift of'theiinipeYial
and powerful -as; a V-Mer in a despotic (empire is o¥6te&ll
the people, he shrinks inn* aJpetty^e¥SeiMge%lieo>Mpk-
eisonwiththe^soMteptincehiin'self, M’nrhnsfe Mansion,
however 'Magnificent1 and wastya^efy'fentable'powibti'is
thought [suffiMehfdb’r the felstive iMpoftanee'bf^he-Mere
e'reatnfe iof-his TavoUr. The Vizier of ‘GMifa, ,\vhoieiJr-
joyed' almost1 exclusively theteonfidenee of the Emperor,
was said tOsbe a Tartar of obscur esbirth, and raised from
an 'in^erion statidnijabout< twenty^years’/ before*, yvhen,
w h il edrersw as.' upon «guard *afc?one/of thd palace gates,, the
Emperor passing ,fhr<iaghl itjiwasrj|truck merely with the
comeliness ,of his cbuntemànae*;*!but afterwards finding
him td bekaonranj of talents and Ogdhqadonv he quickly
<d^?fe§£ him t^dignitm ^ d ' he mightfeéisaidjte possess?
in/'fact/.uiider the'Emperor,.!'the whole^poweahof the
empi|gru '1
i(ÿSoj^©attk ,-rise froin io smal loan- origin, may perhaps
seem, singular to men accustomed to thé intermediate or-
ë ^ s îand'regüiaigCïadations of amixedi government; but
it is mot uncommon either imcQunple»$fëfie monarch of
wh,iefeo£fenL indfilgeliKis .’fancy of; his will/without, any
appall ensidn! ofi control ; oh in dis trac tedt slates', where
shining.■ qualities or.extraordinary exertiôrMleàlâ'irapid»*
ly ,to eminence,.m It frequently happens in the ^former
ease, that the; sovereign, halving, made, oncethis^choice?
waves for. the.most partr-therekêreis黩f his own .authority;
.leading atlifstef indolence, bran dodging in sensual
gratifications ;, but the Emperor of Ghinaisstill Continued
in an indefatigable-^attention ,tö:-fchsdpadhësnistration of
public affairs ;< having rather;1 divided1! with rhis/ Vizier,
than conferred upon him,. the;;whole , çare. of hrs vast
empiré. His Imperial,’Majesty wasmot’ hoy^eveV blindly
guided; by. his advice ; ;and once,» on conceiving that he
fiad attempted,to,impose upon his, master by a falsehood,
' t D 4
Visit to: the
Emperor’s • cmrij