n ^ llsÿ 'flood-gates' -occasionally disipersediUpQn at, any
T & r sudden- andm’sèfes deperdition,o£;iteMate%^nd>u^
---------- such
.floo<Kg&t«& for the passage of vessels;dwp%hftftem;, ftd®a
the plentiful Isource iof the Luen, situated higher Than
the highest part of it, and falling by proportionated«^
. Sions intoits opposite branches. Near thisjspofciS sitüat-
ed anidkgant-gilt temple, .called Luen^whang-miaw, or
thfeyelio^ tiiapfo-uf the river;Lueh. .
. The Embassy had not proceeded far on the southern
branch of the canal; when they arrived in.the vicinity
©£the placé wM^ê; th e Léu-±ze, ot.6med fishing birAnf
China, is bred, -and instructed in the art a r ttp ia c tie ^ f
supplying -his owner* with' fish-in great .abundaiacefcs It
is a species of - the pelican^resemblingithe common oar-
vorant,-but which, on a specimenr.b ^n g submitted-T®
Doctor Shawy h e has distinguished, in-rtlje^fplfowmg
terms: >t£ brown pelican or corvorant; with white'Ithrokfe;
« the body whitish.-beteailh
“ the. tail rounded ; the hides blue ;. the..nbill yellow.
It is delineated in plate-37* bf the folio volume. 4 .. ^
On a l ^ e l a k e elcf?e?t&ithis part-of the canal,-and .to
the*eastwAl of it, are thousands i>f smalljl^ats an4«rf|s%
built entirely for this species of fi§bôry-yOn •«afchhs^iMr^
Taft ar&ten-or-'a-dozfen birds, which,aia-yignalfro^ the.
ownéi§ipluftge into the water and it is astonishing to
see the enormous size of fish with which; i t h ^ -aretum.
grasped within their bills. They appeared to-be, so well
trained, that it did not; .require eit^eWngoc dor A; about
their throats To-prevent them from swallowing any portion
of their-prey, except* ,what^]^p|rhasfer W'as pleased
to return to them ifop^ncon&gement and food. The
boat usbAhy-Thies© fishermen is -o%a, remarkable light
make, and is^ffon carried la k e r s a p p e ^ m the.
engraving»»nderneathj tg§pther with ,the->fishing birds;
b y the.men who are t t e r ^ b e supported it.
Oh-the western'side o f this lake, is a high and thick
embankment of earth, lyhiah separates ipfrornfthe canal,
.‘the surface of-whose waters ds considerably highcrAhan
that o£those which fill the lak'||jj| The qpafttity;of. eatph
rxv U li embankment through the whole length of the
foo. 1