It iy necessary in this place to observe, that in Hin»
dostan the heat and cold do not vary throughout the
year in m sensible a m a n n e r s to occasion the principal
division e f t i e seasons tea fee made, into summer and:. .win’
fc©.?, as in 'Europe. In the first silt months of Ajje; year)
the weather is remarkably dry j while in die remainder
the .rain falls mteirrents nnknownimother.regkBas^s dnd
which swell suddenly the rfcv«t%;Inundate plains, de^
stray .roads, and almost change the appearance ^ h f the
eowntry. The year is, therefor#; 'justly distinguished
th e n into the dry and rainy seasons..
The season o f the rains, which intervened saonhfter
♦ W. w*‘c}pt o f the above mentioned 'letters' at Ed-eutta',
rendered the jowneydiflieult and te d io » bjetwhm that
setdcmeiit and La&sa. Themeasengifcr who had brought
the dispatches from thence, was detained also in his r a
turn, a long time npon. the rend, by illness. ■ The Ghir
uea? general receiving »no an&w^!at:the.6^het©dipm?iod,
was thg mare easily disposed tq credit the reports spread
in the Country, that Britishtroops had, contrary to his
expenteitmn, been sent to the assistance of the Eajah ? especially
as h© Jfoinadilhe struggle was mainitained h y the
with uncommon dastinaey. Nor is i t absolutely
jfaposaWe that a few fu rtiv e sepoys from therfeires
maintained in. the-northern districts <£■■ iBehgal, ao»
quoin ted with the discipline, and even dressed in the
uniform, of the English East India Company*S troops,
may Havedfo^uhd'tkeirl wyyio|the*Mapafo>lr army, where, Passage up
» tfetfe t,? tfi e y ‘would jf©y fiufLyfjfee eft v e d nmT He* b ad - -■=
nu^h^hifs'CaiMil andntfe^lBa^gedneiVofdthA'eountry,»
j M tte iie d tt& p d a l^ g e rK ^ P f f i^ a tta c k ir ig tf a rm y ,I rab id r e n s
dtaidi^h^shfSu'dtesss ’ mriGertamf-f ’ The#ideat afbhaving«"a
double -endmyf t&ek^jinitdr-jv^&uil^ add toRfih4-redow:n iof
dfoitoby,ecml mil^gatsSiffifej^disgEa^dq'ip^d&feiyfc SI Accounts
Mf^icfe®Win>gdyi<kid^^rfe‘i(taafcs'mittedft to ;-Rebins that'jhathjfidnddr'the R a jd ryT b e intonate?'coy
nkki®ns,o£l#h® Glfiind^b^oniMandfor with the:caurt,ithe.
remotdriots of j thldjQiMtry wMeS%>he& was?sfeMj^he dawsJ
ofidier'eihphe pEohibitirig>aifc persons* belonging for the
aomay jfiom doire^&'dihg^^rsogpjB iwith $$fdt’edifsenfet'd£
(fcryorimandqr'imjghiefhon military matters; theegenera l
ignSllFalfie^lf tf e t]^ js f e o f !(jMihai^a’s to alMpohtieakteaias-*
aviates,htfeiri prudent >■sil'emaer, on* such sidfh^ectsyhad' al-''
veaily!®®ahl;edi:tHat'rG-®.mmanddr^it' w3s^whtspjp^d| ter ptac-
tiset-similai? impo^bian^jwh|M?iatr'th6!headl®f>jah! army
Sent; a gains* thfelTmng-quinesptl Oh thafegdoeas'khi^’hof-*
with standin^his mfethnduete and discomfiture': bercori- satisfy the Em.perfon>.-ahRr^^nolwis thfe reward
of merits and shbCisg. His^ndunlf wa&tlik&wise blame-?
abld as Vicefoytofj Qant.oh^ whe^ejfheloomiiutted; acbsraf
oppression towards! fofeigher^f andchaled them,jperhaps,
fokthei injuries fhethsinfibr^jfl
;. Sd far, however-,^ was? thehpre^en^laeeusaticrn against
the English from having i^ele'as*'foundation., that» the
V O L. II„8 m