eanföff. .abbuteumdsihifd hlarfii i®habitaht3| bbiHgrupt
Jteldsyaf tlreehlmdfedv ffia&<as|(f found uponrnn equal
^ a jd titf of Iartd,aalso ttpoHl.-anxy^eragelJsi^ tbesitmsjt
pdp|do^%d«nfrj^TOEiijep^l^afecefe%Be indeed recorded
of kr isiiila^teaeerspapulatioar fhai® either/ in,one
oftfoWeSSt IndiapMands. 11
GhoW±tc-Zk®&, •& man of business and .piierisidni
cffatious dn'-^dvahchigcfacts^ and proceeding- generally
upon! crfficial docutftiMts, delivered j at i^Oiire^tesdinSf^
WM’iM^ffi^dssng ; a|'Statemkftt«.to .rbim * tafeenaifrain -©ti©
of th e ; public offices; in ’ thdb capital,5Isand'priohsd'rin
ifie Appewdijt to1 this workT -of' :thei inh«Wta®fe -nfrftfe
fifteen ancient pfovinbefojof ;.Ghifa£:- to: ydaicfc •: is^an,-
i£efed;fo» the reader’s information, the amount of sefuare
MfeS; add of ’acfeMar each^proidwtes i3Hife.extentrof ifcba
provinces isascertained by astronomicalg observations^cas
Vrelhas?By admeasurement ; and theytaiie)fcmfadM© comMin
upwards* ;©f; tavelvo hundtted-fchodsand? ®cjila!e naaiespor
tp>be eight times the: size nflEramqe;.>3be number
of individuals is ‘regularly taken ineaeh division of a ’dis-
triot'b|«a^ithing-manv-or hvery t^k li masteitofiafimilyi
Those? returns ' aired collected1 by officers' resident so:ne^r
as tfidfoieapablerbfi eoafrectihg/any gross-mistake;: aiid all
tW returnsi are - dodged(;in rifo-^resatrrdgister at -Fetid t
T h tjfth e g ^ e iu l’sta te riie a tii^ ic tly thbires»lfcofofchbse
returns1 added to each other* which seem little liable to
error, or, taken separately, to doubt; yet the amount of
thievfyhbleiM so pÉodigioaaslas-’to^sta'ggéf belief;.': Even in
calculations saltogetherüicertain , butoimmènse in th e ir
resnfe/ïsdofej fofoêxaffiple.sais.the èi%lu'atibrPttf thé êifts#
En^,us.bulk;,QT,'drstaucdof the'.fixed! stars1, it requires?#
ndndmomvemmt iri süch) subjeofs ,hdf, atifoasfc'1 habituated
After -etéEy.arpasbnable. aülowancé^h&VéV^'/rföribGOas
s&USÉMistakgsvland phrtialté^a^ds|ti®rslï5in tjk^^jtuJns
ofiGhinÊse paputetrón, Ithe ultimafet telifBfex'hibife t® thé
mind -a'grafndaarid.-GUrious spe,ct^elé’ró'0lo(ilatfgè” a* pfepÖ'f4
tiion’ öT the whole;thumanracfe; com’nböt'ed t%ilhê'f i n oriê
géeatrsy s tekn-of pr/li tyl, • submitting qkJëtly^d^rflbt}fl8 h
sp./Éon s jderatóej'an -extgnt o fcc ö u ri try^l o v 0# v eb
rèügn; '--ahd .uniform in. tjieir^laws, t h e if'- tf-an n fe'ï^p ‘a rid
tbekilangu%©| but.differing-rds«eMially in rMÉ^flfh’é # '
rèsjmctspfrom levery - other dportiön'' rif’mM-kfed -'arid
peitherildlsimus 'ofr’dommuniCatingf. ^ith',tné^foyfilüg
any "designsmgaimt*,:’ thg reskof the '^nfld^i ‘:
-Ip fo iooi^ectlinMigenfceitfcould! Ifeldbtatnèd É|pfi$i|hë
population; o ï Chinese Ta'rtaiiy.^' N© Gfiinlse h a v / ■'gdn'il
beyopd rZhéekaè, Cxbeptrasfew officers sent on military'
duty,.örx.pefxohsrbanièhed<th'è*röifordifei. ’ The Chinësë
still GOnsidenihatcountryi^s. fÓVei^ri' tó th em / Béyoni
Zbe^hol ifds, supposed tó ‘bje^èry ’^KiM'yxpcilll^l^^^
littlej]es®tha;ri<two-'hündred million^ óf ddite^s3 3f silVéf|
whichrioSay be eq-‘«ahfe^bcm<PSifxfy-si#ïn5illk^tik:;of“pó'unds