Passage uP for the retail of merchandize, or working places for ma-
thePei-ho._ nufacturerSj. were ;©pen to the (Streetjjissemed; as M l of
people as the habitations iupon the water. - Of the, numbers
contained in thie other buildings; sbme>»judgment
mayfbe formed, n o t only b y thdse,'af the(speetato|-#s^B
abroad, but from the constant and, probably , patriarchal
usage;'*6 which this peoplerStill adherebof haying all
the branches or existing generations; of the sarpc family,
under a single roof, iapd in, small apartments „ Inyom&e4
quence of such usage, retained b y the Gffipesie emigrants
at Batavia, it appeared upon a regular census taken of
the inhabitants of .that settlement, that .ten men fit J^'fae'a«
arms were found inipEggp; Q h in ^ h house;;,,'
The houses of Tien-sing'were -chiefly built .of brick,
of a leaden blue colour. Fe.w.. w.efei .red., ;Sug1i; as were
used in the smallest and-poorest dwellings, were of a pale
brown. These different tints;aresupposed to have aidseii
not from any difference in the nature}of ,theLeaa?th iof
which, they: severally .consisted, but in the methojd^of
converting that earth into bricks. Those last-mentioned
had been exposed to no other heat than it-habbf the sun,
in which they were only baked or indurated imperfectly^
Th e blue bricks were exposed tojthe action o f a jpLbseiwopd
firef in kilns erected for that purpose., and where little kctual
flame was suffered to attain the surface o f the bricks.
Such as. received the action of the flame were inclined
to red. When the clay is first moulded into the form
EMBASSY . T Ö - :# |E p * f
infënde’dlfoE Brickad-itiis thé custom1 in thb Basé to lay
them a|tonpe in rbwsmh’bafeovd knottier.1 They are; when *
thus laid,'in a VoftPand* humid -state, and froiix the nature
o f àfgillàseëéus earth, particularly adhésivel Ft becomes-;
th^cfbre, .ini thatîsfâtBpnècesÉ#yS'to-Meep them* separated
By sonie :Substanédïpf a'matufbthat will not ilselB adhere
tohifcherrsuiifafee; ' w'ithdjit 'Whfcfoffeidiffer.êïàt-’irbws of
bricks >Av@uld, they dried; form fógöthert!on ^ solid
ihass^ incap^b||$ ofi feeing applied to^ which
fheycwere déstinedb This<i purpose is. answered by placing
feetweeh dfhseitbwsi thin.layèffê.gôf strâw y and’ this
precaution .j|^dEemed^;iE|^efitiaf, that. given’* th ê
to-th^ordental prbverb*, ou this subjpètyiw*hich has passed
info-the languagesioftke westfi
:;. Many of the bouleSiat TienlsingtarelfWö Starfes high.
This iscontrarylaiii^^hyral fB®ö’de Which lhë4DMfte&dafe
■ffect in building. ' They ffiOStlyp;f ^ö?hbiï^is b f a singllgsto-
n y fin .corifbrmityr; t o ! t h ' ^ r i g i n a l êï. alhd,weOHfj^>*T
ahélthl£Ee:iârecmany Ghp^fe^who-stilltS^lfeàukwardly in
asoen dingstairs, tor looking down'from heights. But the
advantage of^eing neaûtheJqûây^tld fe a ^ 's i^ ^ aw f f i^
merci altown.v hàsgiveuylsÿt(^what isti^oÉMtf^elllin 'that
country asfa duplication of building-*bn' the same Si-toi’
The'confluence of' two ' navigable rifvers, bne flowing
from the neighboutfeocrdr öï tfC^|é^pitkïy fabd ’lhe other
cammunfehting -With ' sifijjfe rof S'the (distànt‘ provinces,
mhstiiftaye .rendfered • this 'Heavenly spôt a piaffe of sbme