| j g | adhëièd HÊHM f 4i8Vifcg' iJesfeMM^dnSidirS^ffewefi.
- 7 " Aborti: hiidWay^êtWëëft thë ö p p e r rMgé SM*§MfotS#È&
for its first appearanci^ave r&éTb 'böth c8i>}é€f(ifetè. fis
lëïgltt 3ë^è'gd8f Hüttdtéd fèéï. ït >Wh*hly
wider fit’tlife töp^hffi ht'lfeëfsaSèt ïfe fepfii >#8s
tób. TaÜ s h r ill ^^féfë ’^iêV/ihg firöM its Mrfiféfe-.
On'è gëötlëmkn of fflé
d r aw in g 1 o f i t f r ö m th ê tó M , A ^ i c k Wtó #t a^®ft%idëritblë
dM iilc è . 'FifOm Tfcifc sfcbtëfö pÊ fc tS fö h t i iè '^ r ip tf v if ig iti
•Y tfiédfxpbsifëpëgè. AnÖtfeè^^ëiMêÖaïïAv^Bfc^i^ifi^lië^bëd
td^ëkiÖiWê &is'bbfèafdÉ®Sfc ^¥öcö$a5l^.'; tt^S^KÖfc^tè.
ioiMèted I f I M l M irfélósitt& ^S%vÖ ih 1'arfè
noSsiSèS.' Uil wW,°Éfo'dötd5i:v
ihiflsdll-kvhich^M^tffrcMfiÖëd-ft, ’ktü8 WfiiöK ^l^dtëd^ö
ffié vioiëficé^f tlfë ‘écMfê6^>'%VW^il^l^ r y it^**lè ,e^
aWS^i?^ i A Iëavifig Sfi isiW^éPêsl ^^ëSffiid-^fs - fe toOrfttïhèiSt
ofi“the height oO p f ancient ■ sü|^ ^ ^ f % éj l # e ; in frhffe
•p&Mcular’p£rt of it. Thehföffëbf ^tfeh'ötóHüihëhl^dftêtëd
*flP bèMv^a^Béd/¥#ëy;
thë light-khd soft particles being Wa!ftëd' d'óWh, A#®, gfte-
dto&lly ’dép'öidtëd W h ë ië ^ ë y ^ h t^ dbrfbëd thë sinöOth
Ööd- fëft'iie ^l^As $fTé£6hëo?ëé, •öfénfHÉiëd $ii oflië-ltót
dhSpför,^’Mirlë’Yhe %ardër jtófl hré^vfef3pk?és', éöSn aWéSt-
ëd ih tfhëi^pio^fëssj bofekfitufe 'flfe -fcHfgJh sttHhdejOf‘the
jpèhs itf TSirtafy. Thë^féhiövkl3WHt 'iSfèf ‘bf ‘sdfl; tWb
hundred ’fee'fin ififpth, from tfife upper to the lower
groundselfbf^sfich a‘ Vasf'e&tent, is a' grdafMf;:dha’nge
upbn; th^pBte"'frh*&^ailyJrrIfentit)ned in the rdeoVds pf
niarii.fnd. The sudden inundations/ of^fiTch !^rcbunts
llaVe'^tbedh' tfrahsmitlm^OT posterity, ate-Plot ’ described
lH/ haviiSgXprodti’Qed’ ‘ap ly permanent “’’effect. ’ Indeed';
different ’parts o f ' tlfk1;iglpbb Itself sufficiently indicate
thM%M&drdiriary alteration^ h t ^ happened tipbn its
surfalt’sificdrit bdaffiffi d fa temperature' adapted !to arii-
mal- fM- fddk of Gibraltar i s 4 w th e ‘only-:d‘rft^
nenee ifiv'th^- interior substarice of OVhieh hdvb" been
found incorporated'the bones'of animated beings, who
Tartaryi .-.