and frequent sting of musquitoes, were likewise particularly
troublesome in the night. ; ,
In theneoürse of travelling the next day, a ,considerable
dnclostire was, for the first time, »perceived, resem-
bling a gehtkman’s park in England. I t was:the residence;
éf the Tct-wkang, or chief of the district.' His
dwelling was distinguished-byAreble gates, and jjpÉtteafea
poles erected near them, eaèh fôrty; féet highi destined
to bear ensigns of dignity, and, in the i|igptk>l6# «aiiy
lanterns for use and ornament. Within the inclosures
were seen several buildingSjla variety of-treesyi-seyeral
sheep and horses. Hitherto very few cattle of any kind
had'been, any where, observed. Tho^ h ^ ^?ndsij|âwiowî
andifit tb be ccEndertçî into meadow, scarcely? any
found in that state; or any lying fallow.
On one side of the liven was a large- grobejOf high and
wide spreading pines ; near and amongst whr&h were discovered
several monuments of stone, erected to the memory
of persons buried underneath. No temple-wksin
thdtsseighbonrhood of this cemetery.-- However a view
of therepositoriesinf the dead may increase'the daspb'sitibn
to seriousness and piety in buildings consecrated to publ%
warship; considerations of healtli towards the livings
may have been thought sufficient in China to keepithcise
places entirely separate A4,
The opposite bank of theriver,1 for a considerable way;
was crowded with pyramids or stacks of salt* of the
üMM^h'tiof tfidscafready mentioned. -The quantity of that Passage up
af ticlemedesMry jtof fill’ such heaps appeared!: to be so '
enortooùS’ ^hatrtMitv Barrow was induced to ascertain it
b y sbme soast nfJe^lculationeh “ The number' óf entire
‘ “ ^ s t a c k s ‘ and tWfe'ty-two,'besides’ se-
^dvIfaboitheES! tfiafeswere incomplete-. A transverse §‘ec-
vltion^êftfëqcb stack rWasdound to contain, séYenty bags'.
“ Nóffetföf those stacks were lessrim length than two hun-
“ dred fJët».' Some eJÉnded to shehundred. | Supposing
“ the* mean “ob a^èrigddeiigth of thóse-'Stacks to ; be four
'^hundred Jftet,töf which each bàgitOcqüpiedra space* of
wiliwo fe e t;'th e re would3fekènbhè; ia naêh ’stack, two
“ hnÉdMdssections,4df Fourteen thousand bigs, and in
‘ ‘ the>tWo-’ hundred and twenty-two stefcks', upwards of
w th'ree-'millionba|;#dbsâk>.it Eveby:bag contained about
;t two ' hundred poundàî *%®éifgbt ®§ ’sölHjjJrand, coàse-
| ‘ quendy^altogether» six hundred millions» of pounds in
i -Wdpgbi#bfbat'. article. ’ ’
When in the firmer 'gdverhment of France, several of
its provincesJWere subjected* to the »gabelle <©r dut^ upon
siltV a' calculation was-cirefully'rôadb'of thé' avèra‘gg»c®M-
sümptiort ïöfthat article. It» was théS^dëhtncd'.Éo be' considerably
under-twenty1 póurMs1 weigh t in the course' of
the year, formelen individual, including; the ïSèVeral rises
to*Which that article’ wâ"slâ'pplied. But upon the supposition
öf the e n tir^ ^ a n tity fef’'tW-èrlty pounds’ being .an1
nually corisü'rüM^ by - efbfy 'C&ïtrfli8ë,s|héi présent coliec