i- solemn prostrations of the body, the' forehead striking
= the floor each time. .. It is difficult to imaginé an- exterior
mark of more profound' »'humility^ and sübniission; or
which implies a more intimate consciousness ofthe».cpL-
nipptence of that being towards whom it is -made.
1 - Thèse prosternations are expected,, as well from st'fan-
gifs * as from the subjects and vassals-of the- empire ; and
the; Legate 'began now to press the Embassador,’ what
ibdëed.he had signified before, to*practise them
presence before the throne. For this demand', fiis Excellency
- yuen.-.
was not entirely unprepared.; and he had the
advantage of the instructions which had neeh giycmi^i
him, in.general terms, f rom l|i| Majesty; in .relation %
requisitions of such a nature^ He was;well;»are,.0f the
tenaciousness of the Chinese court iigrexacting ceremonies,
of which the humiliation on thefhne part, conrri-
buted, perhaps, to render most embassies ^ grateful to
the other. In this spirit, care had been takers in consequence,
no doubt, of superior orders, to write in large CJbj-
~ nese çharacters upon the flags pendènt.from the yachts
. apd land carriages of the Embassy, Embassador bearing
* tribute prom'the. country of England. A s it vv*as:possible
that the meaning of those characters -might not have
beep - mentioned to his Excèllency, he did. nôt> think
himself bound to make, a formal Complaint about them ;
especially as a- failure of redress,‘ whicbf he had reason to
. ju d g e by no means impossible, must have put at once a
3^,60iWsHpf®n^din^|tfisis. giving! an abrupt-. as well
# unSsSsNessfui. terminations'fo' his mission-.1 = These ■ •yuen'-
.chapters * had l however attracted notice; tfiey were
repeated*,inrthfijcourt gaszettgp-uithwould be recorded
in thc»annals,o£a:hef}dmpw^'qhje>j5 wouH find their way |
tP Europe ;th'Eolthe Russians .residing in iK#*'capital, and
tte , toissbnaries- whoEnsame .tkeaie drom rfie -different
gpiuntries ^f,ithe*''RomanliGafe:hoM'ehpfej'suasijon: It be-
hpjyie/lj therefore,’ the* Emsbassaidor toffee "the Jmofe«^uarded
i^s^by iaet J@f his<i©w®, lest it should be-.construed a<s
unbecoming the^borni^whom.'heAa'dothediori'Pur'to
rSimilar* 'considefatida&uhad ^prevented’ the
CmbAS^sdor.drohj j Russia, in tat»'fprmer/ir,ei^ti,ffrom com-*
plying-wit-h the' usual.-Chirkse form, of/introduotiotl,'
until ^ reg u lar pact* was t made .-foytits .retufn, on a likd
Q.esaMnn, to<fqs own-sovsEeign., dlldmshfeeen-remarked,’
th® -fewas the -only minister that had hitherto* gained
W p p io tin negotiations, with the Ehk'ese5 court. The
the.2aski«irnt!u*}y/isufeteiilfed at.'d^e-tp
eyfiry^eremony |prescribed to them, in dhfe-hope of
<jfeiW|p||gMin return;(Isome» lucrative la^^hhfa’geS, complained
of being treated with negket,-and of being d«*
ffiMsed :yf&hnufedhefdmallek promisebf any sfaVdln?.1 6' -
.©bltis said that Holland had been pointed -out by-Some
of th§mi^ionaries,;:as aaspot upon th®ig4li®'arl map,ibiit-s
.'political weight proportioned only /*© its size. It is