Journey to These* wheels doe dfom-twenty tov forty!feet in dia-
■ meter,li&searding'to'thé éïhi ghtrofrtheijbank,• iand eettsequenttefovatibirto
which the-waterds; to be raided. That;
&©najwhiëh The' Tlatfi jrefeEEed’To had^ibeen'takjg^ lTOds
about thicty?ïfëètiïï Such :a' iwheeliis/fcapable ófétó>gai-mfig
with ease Itwerity tubes'Joti spouts, of the lengtlyofifoitr
%ei|iaiid éi^iÉ^ritwb inches in the clear. Thé contends
of’sucb a tube,; would be equal to ‘.sixrienthsfiéf dr^a*Hbn,
and:a periphery of twenty tubes twelve gaHdn&s A stream
of-; a modferate^vseloeity would be' sufficient defturn ifchfe
whfegrl at the rate df .four ^revolutions irf'ohe’imiluife, iby
which would be lifted forty-eight rgaifón'sbofowaférsdh
that shortiperiod ; in onehour, two thoüsandS^ptt hundred
and eighty gallons ; and sixty-nil?# thdffisandf’.odfe
hundred; and twenty gallons, "or upwardsiof«4fcr'e&S huri-
dred tons of water, in f
This whedHs thought to exceed, in •'•most ; tfédpeè'tsy
any machine1 yet in useTor similar purpose^-. 1 TheJ#ei;=
siairwhee-f, with loose bucket&^uspènded.tbithe'éd'gesf of
th¥ rim orTilliiSttof the wheel,, sdséommon in thershflth
oh Franceand in the TyroC-approaches\ éeiifesl>i»Tlhe
Chinese wheel; but is vastly more expensivepanddess
simpleton its constructiattpas well as less ingenious in
théfeontrivanee. In the Tyrol, there are* also wheels fob
lifting water, with axcircumferenee 'of wodd holfow'êd
into scoops; but th ey are much inferior either:to < the
Persian or Chinese wheel.
Th ê'fmmbx?o- ^ welba'sva jSumeyto
Hj j | j, * gHHHHgj , Canton.
^afua?ble^pli^. If fm M!M ge-n'e*- 1 • ■"■■■■"■
^IwuYidV il5W f e l ^ d f f r l S u i ï T 1 tliTiiihg#wlttéV.''': Its
, 'a tt ateiff^i CSdi e dm! ©wlraióre '<tn aft
fëetds# lighf ahdfeolW
If with a ttünk
ffifïèr M^iSs’ës', ‘in'we ma'hner^ëf
settle, * at "’teast^T® Éh trwl 9 ïhe
lod^landAd'ém}!^.^ Wiffiitf ($NÉ?$qjliints !§■
sWttetimé & ■'fÖu:n d ^<%i hg il 1 a r ; S-suMtihii^ t$lï's i fl'crco^iW -'
ni-iStv t'ó‘
Hdps, to ’a’s -Wahy~^ê1$® Bé^'ésdtsï^htlM^Hii^^uIrld’ffi^s
arenö^Sttd upon ’thenvatbr, iri alm'öst all kindS^MhYnr-
ttreftrifl in%ï?è pülpffiaa#fibm it's^süb'§fÉrreciirt't>0‘?pape?;
ItS téhdëHpibuh!Wè'rensh^d^ïslih*ar ti&e'ttf bootf:
o n'ïy' ^ i th i rï^a“ $fe 1 y^al^KM at the^b'aitbö^Sa^
tr'odttéHd^M'É^SW^l of dhb^West' itlaln^fwhfènr
it h as 'héén1 fourïd^to be Shé'-oPmé'möstvalüab' 1 ^ nts
thdCëdufd -be öffered^fo them.
' Plantatö öft$' 'of^hé-b^nïböö -wolbhdëd'dn the proVifTcfe
èf Kian^-see, in sfêvéraf sphts'MjMriibg tlpélïïè4 riveT’on»