pasage,np government than-that in which nothingiint'ecveSffl©^ to
===== counteract the influence of those powerful' ca‘U'Se’S.o Thai
t]re people are justly-said to be whatever theyfarebmad£,>
insufficiently instanced in theeffeW pro'duéld^xpönjthfe
coxfiraon Chinese^ -by the' continual apprehension,1 in
which they,1 are held, of the heavy ih&nH'döf power;
W h en p fl^ fro rn that; restraint, th e y are of a chqer^
ful and ^confident deposition; but thèyj^ró-’extreriié*
ly tiiriiddn the presence-of their'magistra'tesiU This •éffqet
was icohspicuous in the case óf the yóunghiaïr : vffio' - has
been already iftentioned to havb^l^iMg* pufeplselr^ n the
Endeavour brig fromiCantoUnto offer h i m s e l f a s
one of th©*<katerpreters of the Emb assy j'f f e S ^ ^ ’söltte-!
times employed to. interpret to the man&pii$i,si; but di^
Stoód in such excessive- a^e^-hefdre them / thatohfêf seldom'
acquitted himself well; and never without't-urningyl|p[
•. bicoElSngfcstyie of cxmveijsation among equals/ -which hé
had to rónder from an Eun^petuB^^WSgS', into
abject'address thatdfie Chinese idiom-admittedj from pèf-:,
sons of the lowest degree: Not satisfied, howev'er, with
fa ting that sort of precaution for his secütótyC^e'COnSi*
dered' it stilfas dangerous for him to serée foreigners op
aöyterms, and sacrificing, to his new fears,, the irielifia-
•tion he had to see, b y means of thé pffieèt'&p? l®ad uhp
dertaken, thescapital, and the isovereign, of;hSs'coqistey^’
as welf as his désireof emolumen t ih fulfilling the duties’
of his employment, he determined to return immediately.
to.JCantqnvin the vessel which had brought him from Passage up
, i thePei-ho£
* y ■— -
i.- Eyery^arraifgepmrifcbekLg completed'for'the Embassy’s
probeêd i m gb qpj- the ary^/rajad'' his Excellency s orders
havin^heeh .taken upon thffisubject/ the signkfwas made
for sailing- bb th e jm o rn in ^ f :the n inth of August. To
the vessels ^hdadjnnien'ti^me^tyleBe added such others
afr were. t&^eafepy theamandarintes:ffif-various ranks, and
©tberïChâileS’e1(a.p.poir£ÉedrtO'! atùend'tbfôEmbassy, in miït>-
berv^'ali^fefesjl^qq'ua^to that of the Europeans whc^COm-
pb^edf it.ï|f J^)^guus-S aa?e fired in China! by way of signal1-;
bn|;eircnlax rimmedlplates ofixiopper, mixed with tin-, or
zirioytoffiender i t mnresqnoréns l are’ Struck with? Wooden
mallets, andcemft*^a«m^Sse almost' deafening to those who
arfe near Étofdhï w h ich i s : h eai?d toa-jWns-îderabfeàîStari'ce;
THissrinstrhmentpwHich' ‘thdf®h,ineselcalli fooqiaâdgthé
j|piiopbànsrt'in i Ghana, fibm ttbe naméi ifipaeafes in
other ■ partsJolL;thesEast, is generally^Used ujjoEto'thé
Water. In like manner two piéce$ nfwood struck1 against
each other, and producing ,â sound,like that ofiagreat
rattle, serveeiashore,to||ivë nbtice from authority,, on most
odcasioens,(especially'-among the^rpQp’&'y- Drums do not
seerjiftorbe usfed In the, army: ; - but -they form a'part-of
religious musfbrim the temples?: .
Almost eypylyessel connected with the Embassy‘had
on boardi both. EutffC|xeahs ',aftdp|ffiihesen Eroffi !a mixture
0-f pedpte whost^habits;- wants, and: languagesf^Were so,