most adkwtagfii:- Theyndraw. with Themithe principal
netrevenUesibf the GDimtryij Removedfeorn. the iamxiefcy
of, procuring: subsistence; free from tholpassiom- of ;aYai
rice pr ambition j disengagedy in :great,measure/ from ihe
cares oflife; and not^distracted^bythe jnilellFiaiMtiet. whfeh
atte-gd; all ehterppi^fritlw|i:<eonstitute^ the^Riost ra^fee-
able and best informed part of the xtanmunity/ wherC
theyare. Many of the; improvements, and b®me>fe|ktb@
greatest inventions in E uropean sciences; hayC^beetothe
fruits of their leisure«: Among them-care{ Ghieftyitiybs
found those pure and elevated; sentiments* *andnh©se'‘rigA
fined manners which distinguish'thieacharaeterWliS^en-
tleman. But except ini instruction thfe^piiaifei dilfffessfeaO^
nefit to the other orders;of mankind,,fipon whoseindustrj^
fch®yi subsis t. _ This class,;; fochidingrths.: richy and Ml®
among the nobility and gentry, is, in every part oflEu-i
rope* numerous. Their families, their servants, they
whop administer to their tmdtipliedi wantsf attd :various
amusements, contribute much to swell the metropblissof
every European kingdom. But Pekin owes little of its
extent or populousness to circumstances; of. the samfe nature.,
Most men there have their stations regularlylaMot-
ted to them, or are occupied in attending or providing
for those who have. Except, perhaps, some of the-relations
of the Emperor, few indeed are those whose only
business there. is the pursuit.iof pleasure, and'the consumption
of that time which others are under the necessity^
fitemployingfi ip>^th®ipterformanlaf^of,somet p u b lic rJgÉji
dutydiOrlinïthe ■ pdiyat^eare «ofdiying!^
In i^hinæthe^eisi©ss.ihre(fdailîPÉy in'^h®iîfi|rtuh'es^fthaii
i n >.fbg|<pddi#®iis-3 dfmen:; ;.TÜè -'amCieni?
pireiteSti%Kt'hatdfoWdoi^perfodi^tune/,- the-earth', like
theyother ælemerits ofi*najui|é55i^i^^^0y^t]by«hf-iibh^bi'j
tanks,- almost,® id, ^ibajoB#1 > T heirscbupliî)|fyÿiâsKdivided
into small^egUaLf distects;: bév©ry: disteriei, wafà cultivated:
coryointlyby eighhlhbouiingdamilress, whioiH, .poMpesdd
each hamfelj and;-Aebb, enjky&i,ailf th fe^profi fv. o f their la •
hours, ,exeept a3 certain* shade, of theproduep reserved dor
p ujbl'io expeboes y It iwas trfiiè^îindee'd, t h âj|£âffe^pkrdvdr
lution, deplored in albthe Qhinese histories,: w hich Happened
priorité»the Christian? eras/ f c h ( b u s teIpal 1
thejands. awaysto the partnershf h i s8VïèttM^^lê&ving3M
theqf^lriYâtors^dfethe^ôil^a 5 small/ pittijtt^llionLyitdra;
thê^vehteiyfhic^.ùfciyielded. Property in
Cà^^H^^dîtaBypbMt in<p^0GâS§ of time^l^ëtMÉÊ>M coüs#t
derabki; domains .were; subdivided !ihtoi!\léÿy^m©dêMtl-
pareelsf-by the sucoessiveEdistttibution of thd possession^
ofiey^tyfather equally àmongiaUfhi&sobsvîfêhl^si^Htfers
being alwayfcimarriedi withbutvdotwer.: It ,$fSfcÿîtoâfesJ$t
happened; thatjtfieredvfat b u t arnoidy, sari tor ebjc/y- the
whole/ propertyipf his, deceasediparent^; ' and1 it- ffobM
scarcely be increased-hhleollateraE succession. fEqr> th§
habits of the country, as ivelle as> tth’éi dictdtiesûof Watufesj?
led, rimst men Aerè.tpsmarry isaWy-.^Itlyrasi-reebched k