vefah tributary'pianees of Tartaryand[jdfelegates from
other ‘tfib®tarjr' st&tes| wfho; were assembled at Zhe-hol
Oni dap mcfcasiQjtKpF ^tk^vEntpemr’sriWirtiil^a^; ,&ridi i'vykb
attended, on'this 1% , to. grace the; ree&ptlonnf tl}e:En|e
lish Etol^^ador. }asonaterteiits;also vhase intended Sftthe
mafedriririches of Hhe Emperor?s famihpharid the jinhoi.-
palio&fersnf istafteto In the,|greaf tent, his Impfefial’Ma-;
jestycwas’ tri'®dceivef «eatedion-hiathEbae,' asdt p&r&ejibi^
distinction, theidelegatefroin the JCing of; Great; Britain.;
It was riot merelyfor thecanvenienee o f ^a igreat
space to cofotain the concourse o f pemansmeetingrop this
evasion, that a terit was .preferred''toia largerapartment
in the palace. - The Tartar dynasty, in conforming rn
riBSft instances,' to tfe customs p fa much morenumeieohs
and more civilized, the vanquished nad/ihp retalried.istiU
a predilection for its ownancienLmanriers, (in wbifch
occasionally, arid upon Tartar ground, it took a.pleasure
in indulging The traveable I dwelling
more than a permanent palace o f stone arid? timber* the
favourite residence, of a Tartar toveie^ti^d
The tributary princes, those of the" Imperial family,
and the great mandarines of the court, formed; together
no inconsiderable groupe while they were;in waitingiti
front of the?great ten& Eaih.S^.sdecomte^iwiAdi8^^je
marks of the rank bestowed upon him by the Emperor.
Several of thecourtiers were partly dressed in English
cloth, instead of silk or furs, in which only it Had
hith||0tp,|fhe©^||J^^.>|^Ia^pea^Jfe£»e his Imperial visit to the
Majesty.** As thsn^ihad riot/ be£n;,fetefy ariyi .particular ■ court,
scarcity!ofdh^aj^ateauals^ithe riegi^laitaori whiohIp^lgtssita
fC^otbsiast rg^^fW^iind^isstb'Od'to h e
aBiendedjas aR p p p lim ^ t;^ anc[
i SMyjmsontedripjthe^ardor |.tTh4c©n#mp -
hioniof that‘aidiiclejisi,likely, by
.the ex«airifi!^idfaw;earing it^ h iG h .W ill^ s e t in^futri-re
byjfehe higher orjd'ers o f mlandarin^;(,dnd,jisiamddyantage
' fgra|ited|t|i|^ugh civility,' iwh^ijflpqld* ribdhordhmanded«,
ijl!«| h^ritodj^oiaiitreaty^dj
The d istinmijghylb v theufrari'Spafgfit
red button, which; mark&sdie higtesttpfilhf riiptorefcrsy<t'
> t f ^ l W ^ l fixo^i in the/,present: eeritoByhby the Em-
;P*^8T/y on^hih^gto J*fond}pf the persons'asseritbled on
thij^hpcgsiori.^worei.ati^arki inferiorritdJthe ripaque^fe?#4
button., which denotes'> tke.ssefconcfhrdkr.* in th e,,slate.
Wefcgphpnoured with^pteacopis’ featheiis^thcfehri £
an.,agateriube,. land pendant from «the’bonnet. In this |
dignity there are three degrcmjta'G'coTdirig to thei-ritirribef
offeath,er|f granteddo* the wearer. He1 ton wh^rih three
•feathersihad been presented by Imperial favour; thought *
himself thrice great and,happy.
: Those personages had each, • in- his own f district,
a circle of courtiers dependant son?him.-; 'and was ahuriL
dantly impressed with ideas5 o f his oWn*importance ;
but all were, in this place, cpnfouhded?, in the crowd,
voi. ii. F f