Var. A.
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tail black; the two outer feathers edged with grey; beneath
olive : legs and claws blackifh.
Inhabits St. Domingir.
Le petit Pic raye de St. Domingue, Brij. orn. Iv. p. 67. N° 26. pl. 5. f, 2.
Le Pic rayé de St. Domingue, Buf. oif. vii. p. 27.
Pic rayé à tête noire de St. Domingue, P l. crû. 614.
black : the hind head red ; but the reft of the body very
little différent in the markings from the former ; infomuch that
both Brijfon and Buffon fuppofe them the fame bird, either varying
by age or fex.— Brijfon thinks it to be the female.
Picus pafierinus, Lin. S jf. i. p. 174. N° 6.
Le petit Pic de St. Domingue, Brif. orn. iv. p. 75. N° 29, pi. 4. f. z.
Le petit Pic olive de St. Domingue, Buf. oif. vii. p. 29,
SIZE of a Lark : length fix inches. Bill ten lines m
length, and grey : upper part of the head red : fides of the
head rufous grey: upper parts of the body in general a yellowifh
olive: beneath tranfverfely barred with brown and whitifh : moft
of the upper wing coverts are tipped with a yellowifh white fpot ;
the inner edges o f the greater quills are brown, dentated with
whitifh; but the two firft are of one plain colour; as are the
outer edges of all o f them: the two middle tail feathers are brown,
with two tranfverfe grey fpots on each margin, outwardly edged
with olive; the next, on each fide, the fame, but of a darker
brown ; and the two outer ones brown mixed with grey ; the out-
moft of thefe tipped with a little whitifh : legs and claws grey.
Inhabits the ifland of St. Domingo, with the former.
Le Pic varié hupé d’Amerique, Brif. on . iv. p. 54. N" t2.
Legrand Pic rayé de Cayenne, Buf. oif. vii. p. 30..
~ - — * P l. enl. 719.
S IZE o f the green Woodpecker. Bill dufky: head furnifhed with
a very long creft, of a golden orange-colour: the cheeks- are
reddifh : at the bafe of the bill, between that and the eyes, is a
purple fp ot: general colour of the body black and yellow, mixed
in waves, ftreaks, and fpots; but beneath chiefly fpots: tail
Buffon adds, that the eye is placed in a white f p a c e and that it
has a tuft of black on the forehead. I obferve likewife, that in
thé Pl. enl. the outer tail feathers are yellow, barred with
black: the legs are dufky.
Inhabits Cayenne.
Yellow-crefled Woodpecker, Brovm Jll. pi. 12.
S IZ E of a Jackdaw. Head covered with a very long loofe pendent
creft, the feathers of it pale yellow: throat, cheeks, and
upper part of the neck of the fame colour: wings and back black,
tranfverfely marked with broad bars of light yellow: coverts of
D escription,
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D escrip t ion.