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D escription.
Le Martin pêcheur Crabier, Buf. oif. vïï. p. 183.— PI. enl. 334.
J ENGTH twelve inches. Bill of a deep ruft-colour : upper
part of the body and tail fine blue green : the outer edges o f
the quills the fame, with black tips : on the wing coverts a large
bed of black: behind each eye a ftreak of black : the under part
of the body pale fulvous yellow : legs ferruginous.
Inhabits Senegal, where it is known by the name of Crabier..
Aîcedo Senegaîenfîs, Lin, SyJÏ, i. p. 180. N°~ io.
Le grand Martin-péfcheur du Sénégal, BriJ\ orn. iv. p. 494. N° 11*.
pi. 40. f. r.
Le Martin?pêcheur à tête grife, BiuJ\ oif. viiv p. 194»
Martin-pêcheur à tête grdfe du Sénégal, PL enl. 594.
Alcedo femicærulea, Forfchal Faun, Arab. p. 2. N° 5*.
Ç IZ E of a Starling r length nine inches. The bill full twa
inches long; the upper mandible red ; the lower black : the
head, throat, and neck, are of a light grey, deepeft on the head :-
between the bill and eye is a black mark, reaching to the eye :
back and fcapulars blue : the lefler wing coverts, and fome of the
greater ones neareft the body, are black : the greater ones black,
with the outer edges blue : the quills on the infide, at the bafe,
white; the outer margins blue green ; the reft of them for their
whole length, and the tips, black : tail black ; the upper furface
of the two middle feathers, and the outer edge of all the others,,
blue green : the legs are black.
Inhabits Senegal; found alfo about Yemen, in Arabia, by Forfchal,
who-minutely defcribes it.
T ENGTH above nine inches. Bill ftrait; an inch and a half
long, and red: irides hazel: head and neck dulky white:
wings black, with a bar of blue acrofs the middle : the breaft and
belly are ferruginous : fome of the feathers of the former have
yellowilh margins: the infide of the wings is firft ferruginous,
then whitifh, and afterwards dulky : the upper part of the tail is
blue, the under dulky : legs red.
This is a Variety of the former, and is found at St. Jago,
particularly in a fmall illet in the harbour, called Quail Ifland.
It feeds on large land Crabs of a blue colour, whofe numerous
habitations are round and deep holes in the dry .parched foil.
This is found alfo in Abyjfinia, as appears from a drawing of
James Bruce, Efq. *
Le Martin-pécheur bleu & noir du Senegal, Buf. oif. vii. p. 194.
Martin-pêcheur du Senegal, PI. enl. 356. I.
'T - 'H IS is a trifle bigger than the common Kingsfilher : length
-*■ feven inches. The bill is rufous -. the upper part of the
head and neck deep blue : the back, the fecondary quills, and
tail, deep blue : wing coverts and greater quills black : the
throat is white, with a blueilh tinge : the reft of the under parts
rufous yellow : the legs reddifh.
Inhabits Senegal.
V ar. B.
D escription.
Place and
M anners-
P lace.
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V ar. C.
D escription.
# Porf, Voy, i. p. 40.
4 K 2 Le