‘ 3-
IZ E of a Lark : length feven inches. The bill is one inch in b .
length, curved at the point, and comprefied on the fides; the D e s c r i p t io n .
colour brownifh black; but the bafe is yellow, palling obliquely
forward from the noftrils to near the end of the lower mandible :
the noftrils are covered with briftles pointing forwards, about
one-third of the length of the b ill: the' head is large, and very
full of feathers : the plumage is brown throughout, with a dafh
of a pale cream-colour down the fhaft of each feather : on the
bread; is a large triangular whitilh fp o t: the quills and tail
are plain brown, the laft cuneiform: the legs brown : toes
placed two and two, asin others of the genus.
Suppofed to inhabit Cayenne, as it was in a parcel of birds P l a c e .
which came from that place.
Red-crowned Barbet, Brown*s Illujlr, p. 30. pi. 14.
C IZ E of a Goldfinch : length five inches and a half. Bill dulky:
crown and throat fcarlet: above each eye a black line on the
cheeks ; and above each lhoulder a great whitilh fp ot: back and
wing coverts fine green: prime quills dulky: breaft yellow; in
the middle a Ihort tranfverfe bar of black, and another of red :
belly white: tail green j the exterior feathers dulky : legs
pale red.
Inhabits Ceylon,
D escrip t ion*
3 T Yellow