674 B E E - E A T E R .
Pi. A c s .
cinereous ; the webs of all of them brown above, and whitifh beneath
; the two middle ones are more than two inches longer than
the others, and pointed: the legs are brown the claws black.
Inhabits Madagafcar, where the natives give it the name o f
Patirich Pinch.
Bujfon alfo mentions another of this kind from Madagafcar, of
the fame fize and colours, but lefs diftindt: the bill weaker, and
the two middle tail feathers not longer than the others : the ftripes
on the fides of the head, and the rump and tail, fea green : but
in another like it, brought by. Sonnerat, the two middle tail feathers
were a good deal longer than the others, which might arife
either from age or fex.
This, or one very like it, is likewife mentioned by Dr. Pallasj,
which inhabits the banks of the Cafpian Sea, making its neft inthe-
crags thereabouts,, but migrates afterwards.
Merops Philippinus, Lin, Syfi. i. p. 183-. N° £-.
Le grand Guefpier des Philippines, Brif. orn. iv. p. 5^0. N® 12..pi. 43..
f. 1 .— PI. enl. 57.
Le Guepier vert a queue d’azur, Buf. oif vi.. p. 404..
Description. T H I S fpecies-is fomewhat lefs than the common Beefeater:
length eight inches, ten lines. Bill above two inches* in.
' - length, and black : the head, hind part of the neck,, and upper
parts of the body, dull green, with a copper glofs j but the rump
i f '
* The gape of this bird is very wide, reaching much beyond the eyes>,
which makes the bill to have this length of meafure.
and upper tail coverts are blue green: bn each fide the head is
a ftripe of black, beginning at the upper mandible, and paffing
through the eyes: throat yellowilh, Ihaded with green, and fulvous ;
the lower part of it moft inclined to fulvous : the fore part of the
neck, and under parts of the body, yellowifh green, glofled with
fulvous : under tail coverts pale blue green: the quills the fame
as the back, but fulvous within j many of them have blackilh
tips: tail o f equal length ; the two middle feathers are blue green j
the others the fame 5 but the inner edges cinereous: the lhafts
blackilh above and white beneath : legs and claws brown,
Inhabits the Philippine IJlands.
Merops cinereus, Lin.SyJi. i. p. 183. N° 6.
Le Guelpier du Mexique, Brif. orn. iv. p. 541. N° 5,
Le Guêpier à tête grife, Bnf. otf. vi. p. 491.
'J 'H IS is not bigger than a L a rk : total length nine inches and
a quarter. The bill is an inch and a half long, and of a
bright green : the head is of an elegant grey: the upper parts of
the body are grey, variegated with red and yellow: the under
parts of a light yellow, lhaded with red : quills grey : the two
middle tail feathers, which are longer than the others, are red ;
the reft of them grey.
Said to inhabit Mexico.
D escription.