706 C R E E P E R.
F emale. The female is fmaller than the male, and has the upper parts
olive brown : the under parts yellow, with a tinge of olive :
wings and tail the fame as in the male.
Place. Inhabits Madagafcar.
V ar ! A.
D escription. A V A R IE T Y mentioned by Buff on * was in length lefs than
four inches : the bill ten lines. This was of different colours
on the throat arid necfc ; at leaft the feathers had reflections-
of different colours in different lights ; fuch as green, blue, violet,
&c. and there was perceivably a gradation of violet black, cheftnut,
brown, and yellow,, in bands : the reft of. the under parts
were olive grey : the upper part of the body deep green, with
both a blue and a violet glofs beneath the Ihoulders two fpots
of yellow : upper wing coverts and quills brown,, with a greenifh
Place. This came from Manilla.
Certhia fperata, A/». Syfi. i. p. i 8j6. N0I>.
Le Grimpereau pourpré des Philippines, Brif, ern,. iii. p. 655. N° 2-.
t. 31. f. 2, 3. male and female.
Le Soui-manga marron-pourpré à poitrine rouge, Buf. oif. v. p. 497.
Grimpereaux des Philippines, PI. enL 24$. f. 1, 2. male & femelle.
Descrip t ion. T EN GTH four inches» Bill eight lines long, black ; at the bale
whitilh : tongue longer than the bill, and forked, at the end ::
the head, throat, and fore part of the neck, are of a very gloffy
violet: the hind part o f the neck, back, and fcapulars, purplilh..
* Hi ft. des oif. v. p. 495.
cheftnut :
C R E E P E R.
'cheftnut! lower part of the back, rump, and upper tail coverts,
violet, with a changeable green and gold glofs s bread: ahd upper
part of the belly bright red : lower part of the belly, and the reft
of the under parts, yellowifh olive : the leffer wing coverts above
violet and green gold: the middle coverts brown, tipped with
purplilh cheftnut: and the greater coverts and quills brown, with
rufous edges: tail black, with a polilhed fteel glofs; the outer
edges violet, with a green gold glofs : legs and claws brown.
The female has the whole of the upper parts olive green, and
thofe beneath olive yellow': the leffer wing coverts the fame colour
as the back : and four of the outer tail - feathers are tipped
with grey ; which occupies moft of the feather,' in proportion as
it is moft outward.
This fpecies inhabits the Philippine IJles in general. Seba *
fays, that the bill is yellow, and the legs yellowilh: and alfo
adds, that it lings like a Nightingale.
F emal
P l a c e ,
‘Certlua pufilla, Lin. Syfi* 1. p* 185. N° 3.
Le Grimpereau des Indes, Brif. orn. iii* p. 621. N0^.
Soui-manga brun & blanc, Buf. oif. v. p. 49$.
Little brown and white Creeper, J5V<iv. i. pi. 26,
*“|*'H IS , according to Edwards, is not above half the fi2e of out
European Creeper: the length three inches and a half. The
bill eight lines, and of a dull brown : the upper part of the body
is brown, with a changeable glofs of copper: on each fide the
head is a ftripe of brown, from the bill to the eye; and over the
eye a kind of white eye-brow: the under parts of the body are
V ar . A.
D escription.
Vol.i. p. 69. t. 42. f. j . tie malt.
4 X 2 white :