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C U C K O W.
dible fprings a band of black, which paffes through the eyes,
almoft to. the hind, head;, and is broad in the middle : fcapulars,
upper wing and tail coverts, deep brown, marked with fmall
white and pale cinereous fpots r quills brown; each of the fe-
eondaries marked with a pale cinereous fpot : tail cu-neated,
blackifh; all but the two- middle feathers tipped with white :.
legs and claws black.
Inhabits Andalufia. The fpecimen from which this defcription
was taken, was Ihot on the Rock of Gibraltar.-
Le Cöucou Brun varic. de'noir, Buf. oifi vi. p. 37.6*
Ara Wereroa, Cooke's Vy- vol. iv. p. 2.72.
Lev. Muß..
C IZ E of a Magpie, or very little lefts: length nineteen inches^
u Bill an inch and a quarter long, ftout, and fomewhat curved
at the point: the upper mandible blackifh; the under one pale :•
hides pale yellow: the upper parts of the body are brown : the
head dafhed with perpendicular ferruginous ftripes r the reft of
the plumage above tranfv-erfely barred and blotched with the
lame: the middle of each feather of the neck darkeft : over the
eye is a. white ftreak, and a dafh of the fame along the under jaw,,
arifing at the noftrils : . the quills marked with ferruginous fpots
the chim and middle of the throat white : fides of the neck, the
ibreaft, belly, and thighs,., white, ftreaked perpendicularly with:
brown; the ftreaks broadeft on the breaft and belly: the vent
plain white : under tail coverts pale buff; the upper ones as th»
back, reaching to one-third of the tail, which is nine inches-
long, and much cuneatedall the feathers are crofted with numerous
rnerous ferruginous brown bars, and tipped with white: the
wings, when doled, reach nearly to one-third of i t : the legs
are greenilh.
This fpecies inhabits Otdheite, where it is called Areva-reva.
It is alfo found in fome of the neighbouring ifles, where it is
■ called Ztayarabbo.
Cuculus Mindanenfis, Biu. Syjt. i. p. 169. N" 3.
j.e Coucoutachete de Mindanao, BriJ. am. iv. p. 130. N® 12. pi. 12. f. I.
---------------varic de Mindanao, Buf. oif. vi. .p. 373.— P-l. uni. 277.
J^JUCH bigger than ®ur Cuckow : length fourteen inches and
a half. The bill is of a grey brown : the general colour of
the plumage gilded brown, marked with white fpots, as alfo with
pale and darker rufous ones: the under parts are white, tranf-
verfely ftreaked with blackifh ; but the fore parts of the neck;
and throat are plain brown, fpotted with white: quills brown,
Ipotted with rufous on the Outer, and with white on the inner
webs : tail of a gilded brown, crofted with tranfverfe rufous
bands on each fide the fhaft, and fome of the tail feathers tipped
with white: legs and claws grey.
This is found at Mindanao, and other of the Philippine IJlands.
At firft fight it has the appearance of a young European Cuckow,
'but on comparifon it will be found far different from that bird,
efpecially in the quills and tail.,.
3Ü2 CücoJu»