T .
Le Roi des Gobe-mouches, Buf. oif. iv. p. 552.
Tyran hupe de Cayenne, PL enl. 289.
.Descrip t ion. '-r-'HIS Angular and beautiful fpecies meafures feven'inches in
-*• length. The bill is ten lines long, very broad at the bafe,
and quite flat, tending to a point at the tip, where it is a little
bent} the colour of it deep brown ; at the bafe are feveral black
briftles, which project forwards, and are as long as the bill itlelf:
on the crown is a creft of a Angular ftrufture, placed tranfverfely
acrofs the head } this is compofed of four or five ranges of feathers,
one Ihorter than the other} the longeft above three quarters
of an inch in length} each feather is rounded at the end, and
finilhes with a fpot of black } the reft of the' length,red, inclining
to cheftnut: the hind part of the head, neck, and back, are black
brown : this colour paflfes forwards, and furrounds the neck before
as a collar, half an inch broad : the chin is white: and over
the eye is a white ftreak : the wing coverts are reddilh brown :
the quills dulky : ’ the breaft dulky white, crofted with blaekilh
tranfverfe lines: the belly, vent, rump, and tail, pale rufous } the
laft the darkeft, and two inches in length : the legs are flelh-
colour, and rather weak: the outer toe connected to the middle
P lac e.
This inhabits Cayenne, but is very rare. . .
i i.
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v R . Muf.
D escription’. J JEN G TH feven inches and a half. Bill three quarters of an
inch, black, very much comprefled, and ending in a point,
which is a trifle incurvated: noftrils oval near the bafe: at the
bafe of the upper mandible fpring four or five flender hairs,
pointing forwards.r the plumage on the upper parts of the body
rufty black, moft of the feathers having a ferruginous -tinge on
the edges : Tides of the head fpotted dulky and white: chin, and
all the under parts, dull ferruginous : over the eyes, and rather-
behind them, is a lhort pale ftreak: quills dufky ; the four firft
are ferruginous on the inner webs, in the middle} moft of the
other quills are marked the fame, but are alfo ferruginous on the ■
middle of the outer webs, making a bar half acrofs the wing :
the legs are dulky : the middle and outer toe connefted, as is.
ufual in this genus : the tail confifts. of twelve feathers, even at
the end, two inches and. three quarters long,, and of a plain dulky
This was received, among fome others, from South America} Place...
luppofed originally to have come from Cayenne. I have lately
feen a fecond of thefe, . which had the upper parts brown inftead
of black..
T ENGTH nine inches-. Bill an inch and three quarters long, T>
much comprefled, three quarters of an inch broad at the bafe, . D escrip t ion..
and ending in . a point} near the end it rather bends upwards }
the noftrils are oval,,and placed near the bafe: the plumage is
brown above: the'chin white: the fore part of the neck and
bread the fame, but lomewhat mottled with brown, which
mottling fcems to take place round the neck, at the lower part -
behind, though not mixed with, white : belly and vent white::
tail three, inches long,., and rounded at the. end: the legs- are
brown, an inch and a. half long on the.; Ihins are feven indented.
2. obliquec