and tail dufky j the laft even at the end, and edged with yellow
green : legs dufky brown; the feathers juft above the knee, or garter,
white: the hind toe pretty long.
P lace. Inhabits the Sandwich IJlands in general, and is one of the birds
whofe plumage the natives make uie of in conftrufting their
feathered garments-, which, having thefe olive-green feathers intermixed
with the be-autiful fcarlet and yellow ones belonging
to the next fpecies, and yellow-tufted Bee-eater *, make fome of
the moft beautiful coverings of thefe iflanders.
D escrip t ion*
V a r ie t y .
Lev. Mu/.
T ENGTH fix inches. Bill three quarters of an inch long, and
very hooked, though not fo much as in the laft fpecies; the
colour of it very pale: general colour of the plumage fcarlet:
wings and tail black: on the wing coverts next the body is a
white fpot, owing to two or three of the feathers having the outer
webs of that colour: legs pale like the bill.
In fome birds the forehead is of a buff-colour: and the parts
about the head and neck have both a mixture of buff and dufky
black, which are fufpected to be the birds not yet arrived at their
full plumage.
This beautiful fpecies inhabits the Sandwich IJlands, and is made
great ufe of by the natives, in their feathered dreffes; more of
which will be faid, when the account of the laft expedition to
jthofe parts fhall make its appearance.
9 P. "683.
Sr. Mu/
I* ENGTH five inches and a half. Bill an inch and three quarters
in length, curved like a fickle, and of a dufky colour:
the upper parts of the head, neck, and body, are green: on the
head a glofs of violet: beneath, as far as the breaft, violet: tail o f
this laft colour : the great coverts and quills are pale brown:
belly and vent pale brown : legs the fame: claws black.
This is in the Britjfh Mufeum-, but from whence unknown.
■ Le Grimpereau violet de Madagafcar, Srif. ern, iii. p. 638. t. 32.
f. 2, 3.
Le Soui-manga, Buf. off. v. p. 494.
g I Z E of a Wren: length above four inches. Bill three quarters of
an inch long, and black : the tongue fomewhat longer than the
bill, and bifid at the end. The male has the head, throat, neck,
upper part of the back, fcapulars, and wing coverts, fhining green,
with an olive glofs ; the feft ’are yellowifh white beneath : lower
part of the back, rump, and upper tad coverts, olive brown:
breaft brown; but between ,this and the nec-k are two tranfverfe
bands, the upper of which is blue, and the lower cheftnut: belly
and under tail coverts pale yellow : on the fhoulders is a fpot of
deep yellow : greater wing coverts brown, with the outer edges
olive, the inner whitifh: tail black; the feathers edged with
green ; but the outer feather is grey brown for half the length to
the end; the next grey brown at the end only: legs and claws
4 X ' The
7 *
D escription.