W O O D P E C K E R .
breaft, belly, and vent, dirty white, tranfverfely barred with dufky
black: legs black.
Inhabits Surinam Eiacs
Picus hirundinaceus, Erai S jf. i. p. 174. N°y.
l e Pic noir de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Br if. ara. iv. p. 24, N? 7. LESSER BLACK
Le petit Pic noir, vàr. Buf. cif. vii, p, 54. W.
Leffer black Woodpecker, A llia, iii. pl. %%..
' •*"' "• * • - Am. ZûoL N° ,
^J^HIS is not much bigger than a Swallow : the length is five
inches and a half. The bill an inch and a quarter long, and
©fa brown colour: irides whitilh: the colour o f the plumage,
with a few exceptions, is black: the hind head is red : and The
edges of the wings and bottom of the belly white : legs yellow-
ilh : claws black.
This fpecies inhabits North America-,
Le petit Pic noir, Buf. oif. vii. p, 54.
—----- - de Cayenne,, PI, ail. 694. f. 2,
Lev. Mu/
/T 'H I S is full as big as the laft, being, according to Buffon, of the
fize of the Wryneck. Qn the head is a red fpot; over the
eye a trace of white j and towards the hind head a few fmall
yellow feathers: down the middle of the breaft, as far as the
belly, is a dalh of red: belly and fides mixed black and g re y :
lower part of the back and rump white : thé reft of the plumage
and tail are black, with a blueifh glofs on the head and body.
* There
V ar. A.
D escriptions