V ar . A.
D escription,
Le Barbu a plaftron noir, Buf. oif% vii. p* 104.
Barbu du Cap de Bonne Efperance; Pl. enL 688. f. 1.
^t 'H E length of this fpecies is fix inches and a half. The bill
is black : the forehead is crimfon : from this, pafifes a ftripe
of black over the head, and down the back pare of the neck to
the back: the fides of the head and neck are white, and paffes
forward to the bread:; from which to the vent the under parts are
white: the white on the fides of the head is diverfified, firft, by
a dreak of yellow, which is placed over the eyes 5 and fecondly,
by an irregular (break of black, beginning at the bafe of the
upper mandible, and, dividing the white into two parts, ends on
the (boulders : the chin and fore part of the neck are alfo black :
the upper parts of the body and wings are mixed brown and
yellow, the edges of the feathers being for the mod part fringed
with this lad colour; but the rump is almod wholly o f a pale
but bright yellow: the tail is brown, with yellow margins : the
legs are lead-colour.
This was received from the Cape of Good Hope. Its manners
are totally unknown.
This is either a young bird of the lad (pecies, or differing in
fex. The head, neck, and bread correfpond ; but the body feems
more variegated j the markings not fo didinft as in the other,
which is the cafe often in young birds.
Le petit Barbu, oi/i vii. p.
Barbu du. Senegal, PL ettl. 746. 2..
q - 'H IS is perhaps the fmalled of its race, meafuring only four
inches in length. The bill is brown : the upper parts of
the body blackilh brown with a fulvous tinge 5 and on the quills
and tail a cad o f green: -the feathers o f the fird are white on the
edges : the under parts of the body are white, dallied perpendicularly
with brown j but the throat is yellow: and there is a
Ihort dreak of white at the angles of the mouth, beneath the eye :
the legs are pale red or flelh-colour.
This came from Senegal.
D esciuptiok.
Le grand Barbu, Buf. oif. vii. p. rod.
Grand Barbu de la Chine, PI. enli 871.
* I HIS fpecies is eleven inches long. The bill is an inch and
x ten lines long, and an inch , thick at the bafe, where it is
befet with black bridles, and the colour of it whitidi, with a
black tip : the plumage for the mod part is of a fine green, but
differs in various parts of the body; for the head and fore part
of the neck incline to blue in different lights, while the hind part
of the neck, and part of the back, have a cad of chednut brown :
the greater quills have a mixture of black: and the under tail
coverts are of a fine red : the legs are dulky yellow.
Inhabits China.
D escription«