604. j a c a m a r .
P eaces and
M a n n e r
Hack, two inches in length, of a Iquare form, a trifle incurvated,
and fharp at the point: irides blue : the plumage in general, on
the upper part of the body, is of a tnoft brilliant green, glofied
with copper and gold in different lights : the chin white: the
belly, throat, and vent, rufous: the tail compofed o f ten feathers,
and cuneiform in fhape j the two middle ones are three
inches and a quarter long; the outer ernes very fhort : the legs
are of a greeriifh yellow, very fhort and weak : claws black.
Some of thefe birds have the throat rufous, as well as the belly,
and in others the chin is yellowifh, inftead of white.
This fpecies is found both in Guiana and Brafil, in the moift
woods, which it prefers to the more dry fpots, for the lake of
infects, on which it feeds. It is feldom feen except Angle, as it
is a very folitary bird, keeping for the molt part in the thickeft
parts; its flight quick, but fhort; perches on branches of a
middling height, where it fits all night, and frequently part
of the day, without flirring. Though thefe birds are folitary,
yet they ate far from lcarce, as many may be met with.
They are laid to have a fhort and agreeable note *.
The natives of Guiana call this bird Venetore, and the Creoles,
Colibri des grands lots. A t Brajil their flelh is eaten by fome.
That figured in the Geneva of Birds, feems a Variety j it has lefs
green on the back, and the breaft, belly, and part of the back, of a
variable copper-colour.
Mr. Pennant fays, that his. bird was of the fize of a Lark, other-
wife one might have fufpefled it to be the next fpecies.
# Hijl. dti el/l
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