F emale.
P l a c e ,
. 33’
V a a. A.
D escription.
H. B.
D escription,
The female has not thefe tufts, nor is the black ftroke under
the eye fo diftiniSt as in the male-, otherwife it refembles it in all
Thefe birds are natives o f Cayenne*
Br. -Mu/.
I ENGTH five inches. Bill ftrait, dulky; the bafe of the lower
mandible white: the feathers of the crown are a little elongated,
loofe, and green : from the corners of the mouth begins a purplilh
{break, which paffes under the eye, beyond which it fpreads into
a broad patch, and finifhes on the ears : beneath this is another
patch of greenilh blue, reaching to about the middle of the neck
on each fide: the reft of the plumage, on the upper parts of the
neck, back, and wing coverts, green : quills dulky: all the un-
xler-parts, from the chin to the vent, are white : the legs dulky.
D’Oifeau-mouche à gorge rouge de Cayenne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 720. t, 37. f. 4»
Le Rubis emeraude, Buf. oif. vi. p. 31.
OHcau-nieiidie à gorge rouge du Brefil, PI. ml. 276. f. 4.
T ENGTH above four inches and a quarter. The bill is eleven
lines long, and of a black colour: the plumage is green
gold, but gloffed with copper on the upper parts : the throat is
the colour of a glowing ruby, changing to green and gold in
different afpedts the greater wing coverts are rufous, with violet
brown margins: quills the fame: the two middle tail feathers
are father lhorter than the others j all of them are rufous, with
gilded greenilh brown margins : legs and claws black.
Inhabits Brajil and Guiana. Place
T-roehilus colubris, Lin. Syfl. i. p. igi. N° I2.
L ’Oifeau-mouche a gorge rouge de la Caroline, Brif. orn. iii. p, 7iS,
N° 13. t. 36. f. 6 .the male; f. 35. the female. THROATED
Le Rubis, Buf. oif. vi. p. 13. * H. B.
Humming-bird, Catejb. Car. i. t. 65.
Red.throated Humming-bird, Ed-w. i. t. 38. male and female.— Amer.
ZeOol, N°
Br. Muf. Lev» Muf.
T ENGTH three inches and one-third: bill three quarters of r\
an men. l he male is green gold on the upper part, with a
changeable copper glofs j the under parts grey : the throat, and
fore part of the neck, of a ruby colour i in fome lights as bright as
fire ltfelf; viewed fideways appears mixed with gold; and beneath
looks of a dull garnet colour-: the two middle feathers of the tail
are the fame as the plumage on the upper part of the body ; the
Others of a purplilh brown : the tail a trifle forked.
The female differs chiefly In not having the beautiful ruby Female.
throat, but inftead, has only a few oblcure fmall brown fpotsj
and all the outer tail feathers are tipped with white, which are
plain in the male *.
The bill and legs are black in both fexes.
• Many fpecimens have all the under parts white, and are left in fizes but
•whetherfemales or young birds is not certain.
5 F This