4 1-
DUi>£Y- -
H. B.
D escription.
H. B.
D e s c r i p t io n .
gloffed with gold-colour j giving the bird, on the whole, a mod;
beautiful appearance.
This inhabits Guadeloupe.
I think this mu ft be the bird mentioned by Fermin, which
is green and gold above: throat emerald-green: bread blue,
gloffed with gold, very brilliant: the bill ftrait, and an inch
in length.
Sr. Mu/.
T ENGTH four inches and a quarter. Bill three quarters of an
"*-7 inch; ftrait, and dufky: the whole top of the head, taking
in the eye on each Ode, is dufky : chin and throat gloffy green ;
hind part of the neck, and upper part of the back, deep blue
bread, belly, and wing coverts, purplifh blue : middle of the
back inclining to green : lower part of the back, rump, tail, and
.quills, dufky purple : legs black.
In the Britijh Mufeum.
T ENGTH three inches. Bill ftrait, black, and three quarters
of an inch in length : on the middle of the crown a fpot of
brown, reaching to the bafe of the b ill: the plumage on the upper
parts gloffy brown ; beneath dirty white : belly white; down the
middle of,the throat and neck, as far as the belly, paffes a green,
gold ftripe: quills black: tail cinnamon-coloured at the bafe,
apd dufky at the ends : legs black.
In the colleftion of Mifs Blomefield, who received it from Holland,
to which place it was probably brought from Surinam.
1a l have
I have two fpecimens of this bird, which are near four inches
in length : in one the whole crown is brown : down the middle
o f the throat a ftreak of brown, but not gloffy : the tail rufous,
for two-thirds of its length, with the end dufky black : the tips
of all the feathers margined with white on the upper fide, but on
the under deeply tipped with the fame colour : the two middle
feathers are wholly of blue black, gloffed with rufous in fome
The other has the crown greenifh brown, with a rufous ftreak
over each eye : the ftreak down the throat dufky, and much
broader than in the firft : rump and under tail coverts pale rufous.
Thefe came from Tobago, and feem clearly to be in fome of the
progreffive ftages towards perfection, if not females; which laft
is not unlikely from the ends of the tail being white.'
L ’Oifeau-mouche À rentre blanc de Cayenne, Sri/, ont. iii. p, 707. N8 8.
t. 36. f. 7.
La Cravate dorée, Suf. oif. vi. p. 25.
L ’Oifeau-mouche à cravate dorée de Cayenne, PI. enl. 672. f. 3.
Guuinumbi prima fpecies, RaiïJÿn. p. 82. N° 1. & p. 187. N° 42.
Marcgrave’s frit ipecies of Humming-bird, Will. ont. p. 231. Nô i.
The larger Humming-bird, Sloan. Jam. p. 308. N® 39.
T ENGTH three inches and three quarters. The bill ten lines
long ; the upper mandible black ; the lower white, with a
black tip : the upper parts of the body are gold green, gloffed
with coppers the under parts white: thighs brown: wings as
ufual : tail black, with a polifhed fteel glofs : legs and claws
black. Buffion adds, that it has a dafhof gold down the throat,
5 G which
H. B.
Dgs«Ri rTjo>f ,