C 4*4 3
f iW i l l i 1111'
G e nus XVII. C U R U C U I.
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1 1 1 H i
N* i. Red-bellied C.
Var. A.
Var. B.
cl. Yellow-bellied C.
Var. A. White-bellied C.
N* j . Cinereous C.
4. Rufous C.
5. Violet-headed C.
6. Spotted C.
7. Fafciated C.
THESE have a fhort, thick, and convex b ill; and for the molt
part dentated on the edges.
Noftrils covered with ItifF bridles.
Legs fhort, weak, and covered with feathers or down.
Toes placed two before, two behind.
Tail confiding of twelve feathers.
As far as I can learn, the manners of thefe birds are much alike,
and for the mod part agree with thofe of the fird fpecies there
related. They are modly inhabitants of South America, except
the two lad fpecies, which inhabit Ceylon. They are faid to differ
much in the different dages of life, which has given rife to confu-
fion of fpecies, and may perhaps be the caufe of the following
account of them not being fo perfeft as may have been wilhed.
They have been called Curucuis, or rather Couroucouis, at Guiana,
from their note not ill refembling that word. Said to feed on
fruits *.
C U R U C U I. 48j
'Trogoa Carucui, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 167. N° 2. U
Le Couroucou verd du Brelil, B r if orn. iv. p. 173. N° 4. ^ CU R U CU I^
Lc Courouqou a ventre rouge, Buf. oif. vi. p. 287.
.------------ . . . -------- de Cayenne, PI. enl. 452*
Tzinitzian, Rati Syn. p. 163.— Will. orn. p.392.
Curucui, Raii Syn. p. 45. N° 4.—Will. orn. p. 140. t. 22.
QOMEWHAT lefs than a Magpie: length ten inches and a Description-.
half. The bill pale yellow: irides golden : the under mandible
furnifhed with ftiff black bridles, and both the eye-lids with
black ones : the head, neck, and upper part of the bread, the
back, rump, and upper tail coverts, are of a fhining green, with a
glofs of blue in fome lights : the throat is black : the wing coverts
are blueifh grey, marked with numerous zigzag lines of
black: the quills are black, with part of the fhafts white: the
bread, belly, fides, and under tail coverts, of a fine red : the
thighs blackifh : the upper furface of the tail is green, much cuneiform,
and like the back, except the three outer feathers,
which are blackifh, and eroded with flender tranfverfe lines of
grey: the legs are brown. Briffon mentions a fpot of white
beneath the eyes, but this does not appear in the fpecimen in the
Leverian 'Mufeum.
This fpecies inhabits Mexico, Braftl, and Peru. Place.
The female * is faid to differ, in having thofe parts, F emale.
which are of a fine brilliant green in the male, black grey, and
totally without glofs : the zigzag lines on the wings alfo are lefs
confpicuous : and three of the outer tail feathers have the webs
marked with black and white : the upper mandible is not yellow,
Hijl. da oif. vi. 288.