620 K I N G S F I S H E R ,
Le Martin-pêcheur à collier des Indes, BriJ. orn. iv. p. 481. N8 j ,
t. 37. f. 2. A.
D escription. 'J^'HIS exceeds our Kingsfilher much in fize, and is in length
fix inches and three quarters. The bill is almoft an inch
and three quarters long, grey at thé bafe, and blackilh towards
the tip : the plumage above is o f a fine blue; beneath rufous ;
on the throat very pale : above the eye, from the bafe of the bill,
paffes a white line, and another round the neck like a collar :
Plac e.
tinder the eye is a fpot of rufous : the rump and upper tail coverts
are of a fine green : the legs are grey ; and the claws blackilh.
Inhabits the Eajl Indies.
Le Martin-pêcheur à tête verte, Buf. oif. viî. p. 190. -
Martin-pêcheur à tête verte du Cap de Bonne Efperance, PI, ml. 783.
D escription. JT ENGTH nine inches. The bill blackilh : the head is green,
furrounded by a ftreak of black, giving the bird the appearance
of wearing a green hood : the back is of the fame colour,
which changes on the wings and tail to blue green : the throat
and neck are whiter under the tail, and the legs, blackilh. This is
the whole of the above author’s defcription. I obferve that all
the under parts o f the body are white in the PI. enl. the feathers
which fall over the thighs yellowHh : and the quills dulky black.
This bird inhabits Bou.ro, one of the Molucca IJlands.
Lev, Muf.
T i
fpecies feems bigger than the common Kingsfijher:
the length is nine inches and a half. The bill is ftrong, de-
preffed, an inch and three quarters long, and of a lead-
colour ; but the under part of the lower mandible is white :
the head and below the eye, on each fide, as well as the
upper parts of the body, are of a light blue green, darkeft
about the ears : over the eye is a ftripe of pale ferruginous,
beginning at the noftrils, and meeting at the back, part of the
head-: under the blue beneath the eye, a narrow orange ferruginous
ftripe ; and beneath that, on the nape, is a blue band r
quills and tail blackilh; the outer edges blue, and when clofed
appear wholly blue : all the under parts are white,, with a tinge of
buff-colour palling round the neck as a collar: the legs are black.
This,-and its Varieties, inhabit Otaheite, and the other
Society IJlands in the South Seas.
D escription.
-»HE fir ft Variety has a white band over the eye to the
hind head, inftead of ferruginous: beneath this band, at
the nape,, is one of black, which in the other is blue : the
fcapulars alfo are much more inclined to green, and darker
than in the former bird; and the white on the neck, and the
fides of the breaft, has each feather fringed with alh-colour r
the knees of both are black a very little way up on the out-
Jide. I obferved in one of thefe a (lender black line, which
divided the white collar on the neck, exaftly in the middle.
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