In one fpecimen which I have feen, inftead of a mixture on the
forehead, there is only a fmall fpot of white: the white ftreak,
which fprings behind the eye, is extended downwards on each
fide the neck : and fome of the outer tail feathers are white at the
bafe, otherwife like the above defeription.
Were it not for the very great difproportion in their fize, one
would conclude them to be varieties of each other, they are fo
Le Barbu des Philippines, Brif. orn. iv. p. 99. N° 4. pi. 7. f. 2. the male•
— PI. enl. 33
Le Barbu a gorge jaune, Buf. oif. vii. p. 102. pi. c.
g lZ E of an Houfe-fparrow.: length five inches and a half. The
bill brown, pretty thick, and near an inch in length : the
top of the head, as far as the crown, is. red ; the reft of the head,
and upper parts of the body, wings, and tail, dull green: on
each fide of the head is a large fpot of yellow, in the middle of
which the eye is placed : the throat and fore part of the neck are
yellow: on the upper part of the breaft is a tranfverfe broad
band of red : the reft of the under parts dirty yellow, longitudinally
ftreaked with dull green : the legs are yellowifh': claws
The female has no red on the head nor breaft; and the fpot in.
which the eyes are placed, the breaft, and fore part of the neck,
are yellowifh white ; otherwife like the male.
Inhabits the Philippine IJlands.
Le Barbu de l’Ifle de Luçon, Soit. Fey. p, 68. t. 34.
Le Barbu à gorge noire, Buf. oif. vii. p. 103.
Br. Muf.
^T'HIS is a little bigger, and fomewhat longer in fhape, than the Description
common Grolbeak. The bill is blackifh: the forehead of a
fine red : the top, hind part of the head, throat, and neck, are
black: above each eye is a curved ftripe of yellow, which, as it
proceeds downwards, becomes white, and defeends in a ftrait line
to the lower part of the neck on each fide; under this is a black
ftripe; and between this and the throat is a band of white,
which goes onto, and blends itfelf with the breaft ; which, as well
as the belly, fides, thighs, and under tail coverts, is white: the
middle of the back is black; but the fide feathers between the
neck and back have a yellow fpot on each : wing coverts black ;
four of them are fringed with white, and-one with yellow, forming.
a ftripe acrofs the wing I beneath this fome of the feathers are
fpotted with yellow at the ends ; and frill below- thefe there are
other feathers which have yellow margins : the quills are black,
bordered with yellow: the four middle tail feathers black ; the
others black, fringed with yellow : the legs are black.
Inhabits the Philippine IJles. Place.
A fpecimen of this is now in the Britijh Mufetint, faid to have
been brought from the Cape of Good Hope. The length of this
bird is feven inches : the colour of the plumage the fame;
added, that the rump is of a beautiful yellow.