a collar: the belly, Tides, thighs, and under tail coverts, are gray-,
with a little mixture of yellowiih on the lower part of the breaft
and lides : quills grey brown : tail of a fhining blackifh colour s
the ten middle feathers have the outer margin green gold, bronzed
with copper, and outer one margined with grey; all of them
are tipped with grey : legs and claws black.
F ema l e . The female differs from the male, merely in having yellow fpots
on the fides, according to Briffon * ; others give it a red band like
the male, but placed lower on the breaft, and all the other-colours
lefs lively.
V a r i e t y . Buffon mentions one feen at the Cape of Good Hope by M. le
Vicomte de Querohent, which had the throat grey brown, mixed
with green and blue : on the breaft was a band of a fire-colour
the head and upper parts o f the body mixed with green ori the
back, and towards the tail With blue : wings light brown above j
beneath gilded yellow: tail feathers blackifh : bill and legs
This gentleman adds, that it fang very prettily; that it lived
on infeEls, and the neUar offlowers ; but, in refpeft to the firft part
of its food, the throat of the bird was fo narrow that it could not
fwallow the ordinary forts of flies, if at all above the common fize.
Buffon feems to think this laft bird a young one of the laft men-
mentioned, not come to its full plumage ; and that the true femak
may turn out to be the following:
# Or?i, vol. vi, fup. p. 117.
Gerthia Capenfis, Lin. Syjl, i. p. 18;. N" 4.
Le Grimpereau du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. ill. p. 618. pi. 31.
f. 1.
VJpH IS equals a Wren in fize: length:four inches two lines.
Bill three quarters of an inch, and blackifh : the head,
neck, and body, are grey'brown; paleft beneath : greater.wing
coverts brown, margined with grey brown: tail blackifh; the
outer edges grey brown, but the outer feather fringed with
whitifh on the outer edge: legs black.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. Briffon thinks it the female o f
fome one of this fpecies, fince the colours are very little vivid :
perhaps, then, it may be the other fex of the laft, as it comes from
the fame, place.
Certhia Philippina, Lin. Sy/L i. p. 187. N° t t .
Le Grimpereau des Philippines, Brif. orn. iii. p. 613. N° 4, pi. 30. f. 2.
— Pl. enk 576. 1.
Grimpereau fecond de PIfle de Lugon, Son. Voy. pl. 30; B f
JgRISSON defcribes it as being lefs than our Creeper: length
four inches and three quarters. Bill an inch in length,
and black: tongue tubular, and forked : all the upper parts are
grey brown, with a greenilh caft; thofe beneath of a yellowifh
white :. quills brown, with paler edges: the two middle tail feathers
black, with a green gold glofs; the others blackilh, tipped
more or lefs with white, as they are placed more outwardly : legs
and claws black..
I I .
D e s c r i p t i o n .
D e s c r i p t io n .