782 H U M M I N G - B I R D .
H .B .
D escription;
Black and blue Humming-bird, Bancr. Guian. p. 167.
/TT'HIS is near twice the fize of his blackHumming-bird, or N° 29.
The large feathers on the wings and tail, are of a beautiful
Ihining black: thofe of the throat and breaft of a changeable
crimfon, reflefting a variety of lhades in different lights.
P laces. This, and the black, are faid to be common to many places in
’Terra-firma and the Caribbee IJlands. He does not exprefsly mention
the colour of the body; but it is clearly black and blue
from the title j though in what proportion, or how blended, is
quite uncertain.
H. B.
D escription.
L’Efcarboucle, Buf. oif. vi. p. 2S.
n p H I S bird is fomewhat above the middle fize. The bill, both
"*■ above and below, furnilhed with feathers to the middle :
the top of the head, and neck, are of a deep dull red : the throat,
fore part of the neck, and breaft, are the colour o f a deep ruby
or carbuncle: the reft o f the body velvet black: the wings brown:
and the tail of a deep gilded rufous colour.
This came from Cayenne, where it is very rare.
H. B.
L’ Oifeau-mouche a raquettes, Buf. oif. vi. p. 23.
bird, from the bill to the end of the tail, is two inches
D escrip t ion. and a half: the upper part of the body green gold: the
3 throat
throat of a rich emerald green : wings and tail brown : the lhafcs
of all the tail feathers are very broad, and of a rufous white : but
what ,chara£terifes this bird is, having the two middle tail feathers
elongated:ten lines at lead: beyond the real tail, but without
webs ; only at the point of each of thefe naked Ihafts is a tuft of
a fan lhape, giving the appearance of a racquet.
The above defcribed from the cabinet of M . Mauduit, but its
native place not mentioned..
Trocfiilus crifiatus, Lin. mM fJ p. 192. 18.
I/Oifeau-mouche hupe, Brif. orn. iii. p, 714, N° 12. t. 37. f. 2._Bufi
oi/i vi. p. 22:.
©ifeau^mouche huppede Cayenne, PT. enl. 227. f. 1.
Green ftrait-billed Humming-bird,. &c. Bancr. Guian. p. 168*.
Crefted Humming-bird, Edna. i. t, 37. Bird andNejl.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf,
rJ''HE length of this bird is three inches. Bill black, in length
feven lines : under the bill is a dirty white (pot: the top of
the head is green,, ending in a blue creft,,, both ihining with the
luftre of the finelt polilhed metal the upper parts o f the body
dark gold green.: the under parts of a dirty grey : the tail violet
black but the two middle feathers are of the fame colour with
the back : all the tail feathers are moll gloffy on the under fide :
the legs are covered to the toes with brown feathers : the toes are
Inhabits Cayenne It isfuppoled-that the female o f this Ipecies-
has no creft; Labat affirms it.,
H. B.
D escription.