green gold colour; and, if the eye is placed beneath, appear brown,
and without glofs.
The female has neither the creft nor the- ruff as the male : the
band on the rump, and the throat, are both inclined to rufous: the
reft of the parts beneath are likewife rufous, with a caft of green :
the upper part of the head, and the back, are, like the male, of a
gold green.
Inhabits Cayenne.
T ,ENG TH three inches and a quarter. Bill three quarters of
an inch, ftrait, and black: crown of the head glofiy green
gold, inclining to olive : upper parts of the body pale cinnamon :
between the wings a greenifh glofs : throat and bread: of a moft
refplendent glowing ruby-colour, in different (hades appearing
gloffed with olive green; on the fides of the neck deepeft; feve-
ral of thefe feathers are elongated on the fides of the neck, and
appear to be moveable, as in the laft fpecies: the wing coverts are
of a du(ky greenifli colour: quills purplifih brown : the lower
part of the bread:, and beginning of the belly, dirty reddilh white :
lower belly, and vent, pale cinnamon : tail in general gloffy cinnamon;
the feathers of it remarkably broad for the length, the
two middle ones being full half an inch, the other leffening in
proportion ; all of them tend to a point at the end, and are black
down the middle, and at the tips ; legs black.
T h e female is of the fame fize, but is green gold on the upper
part of the body, inftead of cinnamon : on the throat are fpots
only of the glowing ruby-colour: bread, and vent, as in the other:
the tail feathers likewife correfpond in colour and make, but
each of the feathers, except the two middle ones, has a white fpot
5 H at
F emale.
H. E.
D escription.