1 1 H t
It i's fùppofed to feed on foft infefts, and is called at St. Domingo,
Perroquet de terre *.
§ I l ■ III
U 9
■ Si'
1 1
T .
D e s c r ip t io n .,
Todus ciner.eus, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 178. N° 2»
Le Todier cendre, Brif.orn. app» p. 134.
Le Tic-lic, ou Todier de l ’Amerique Meridionale, Buf.\ oif vii. p. 227*
Le Todier de Cayenne, PI. enl. 585. N° 3.
Grey and yellow Flycatcher, Edwj. pi. 262.— Pallas Spic% 6. tab. 3. A*
the hill.
Br. Muf. Lew. Muf.
gOM EW H A T bigger than the laft. The bill not unlike that
of the former in fhape; of a dufky colour, reddilh at the bafe,
which is befet with a few briftles: the forehead is black : the
upper parts of the body deep cinereous :. upper wing coverts
brownilh black, margined with luteous : quills the fame : the tail
has twelve feathers, and is fomewhat cuneiform j the two middle
ones black,, the others brown tipped with white i. the legs are of a
■ deep flelh-colour..
The female-has the colours lefs bright: and the. feathers-of the,
tail are none of them tipped with white.
This inhabits. Surinam and Guiana; at this laft'place it is called';
'fjc-tic, from its. cry. It lives, on infe£ts,..like the laft mentioned,,
and frequents the more open places,, not being found at all. in.
thick.woods,.though fometimes among bulhes..
* Salem e.
Brown Tody, Gen. of Birds, p, 6z. pi. 6. f. 2.
I ARGER than the green Pody. The upper part of the body
ferruginous brown : the coverts of the wings crofted with a
dulky bar : lower part of the body olive, fpotted with white : tail
Inhabits the hot parts of America.
Le Todier bleu a ventre orange, Buf. oif. vii. p. 229.
Todier de Juda, PI. enl. 783.— Salem, orn. p. 126. N» 16.
C IZ E of the green Tody : length three inches and a half. Bill
^ flelh-colour: upper parts of the body deep blue: wings and
tail the fame : throat white: beneath the eye a purplifh fpot:
mmi . T .1_1____ J „ „ J «arxlr nnrl VipIIw finP rtrunffP * 1 PUS H em -
This is faid, in the plate above-mentioned, to have come from
Jut da, in Africa; but Buffon fqppofes it to be a mifeake, as all of
this genus inhabit feme part of America.
Le Todier varie, B r if orn. iv. p. 531. N° z.— Buf. oif. vii. p. 229.
Ifpida indica, Aldrow. aw. iii. p. 520.
C IZ E of a Wren. Bill black : head, throat, and neck, blue
black: upper wing coverts green; tail black, edged with
green : the reft of the body mixed blue, black, and green,
marked here and there with fpots of paler green : legs and claws
Pi, AC?.
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D escription.
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D e SCRIPT! on.
4 P s Inhabits