P eace.
P i , XXIX.
D escrip t ion.
7 *
T .
D escription.
Inhabits India. This feems a doubtful fpecies, placed here on-
the foie authority of Aldrovand.
Todos leucocephalus, Pall. Spic, 6, t. 3, f. 2.
Lev. Mu/.
g I Z E of a Redftart. The bill is blackifh; the bafe of the lower
mandible white : noftrils depreffed : bafe of the bill befet
with black briftles: the head and throat white; the firft fome-
what crefted, being pretty full of feathers: the reft of the body
of a dull but deep black : the wings are lhort: quills, on the in-
fide and tips, brownilh : tail lhort, even at the end, and black::
the legs are black : the outer toe joined to the middle one. by ai
Inhabits. South America..
Todi ipecies leptima, Pall. Spic, 6. p,i8:.
Lev. Mu/.
J ESS than the l'aft. Bill, dulky,,and much flatted: the forehead,
Tides of the head, and under parts of the body, white ::
the upper parts blaek-: the inner margins, o f fome of the quills,,
and the fhoulders beneath, fnow white: tail very lhort and black :
the legs, are like thofe of the laft Ipecies, and black.
Inhabits America. In diftribution of colour it feems much to-
coincide with Ed-w. p. 3.48 ; but has a much broader bill, added,
to the tail being very lhort..