it makes another clofe to the firft, in an horizontal direction ; proceeding
till it has made a circle o f holes quite round the tree;
and the apple-trees in the orchards have often feveral of thefe
rings of holes round the fterh, infomuch that the tree frequently
dries up and decays.
'Picus varius, Lin. Syji. p. 176. N° 20.
rLe Pic varié de la Caroline, Brif. ern. iv. p. 62. N° 24.
. -------- -------- - — Buf. oif. vii. p. 77.— PI. enl. 785.
Leffer fpotted yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Kalm. Tr. ii. p. 87.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Catejb. Car. i. p. 21 .-—Am» Zed. N°
J3r. Muf. Lev. Muf.
Description* tJ 'II IS is in length feven inches and a half. Bill eleven lines
long, and of a lead-colour: crown of the head red, bordered
on each fide with black : hind head pale yellows which palfes on
each fide over the eyes, forming a band of the fame colour : from
the bafe of the bill, through the eyes, to the hind head,, is a band
of black; beneath this is another of a pale yellow, which arifes at
the noftrils, 2nd goes downwards towards the neck; and again,
under this is another black one, which originates at the bafe of
the under mandible, parallel to the jaw, after whichjfit bends
towards the fore part of the neck, blending itfelf with the
black on the fore part of the neck : the throat is red: the fore
part of the neck and breaft black, bordered with yellow : the
belly of a light yellow, mixed with a little black : fides, thighs,
and under tail coverts, white, tranfverfely banded with brown :
the upper parts of the body are black and white, mixed ; not very
different from the greater fpotted Woodpecker, but more white:
the two middle tail feathers are black, marked on both fides the
W O G D P - E C K E R’.
ffiaft with white; the two next on each fide plain black; and the
outer ones black on the outer web, and fpotted with white on the
inner at the tip: legs-and claws blackifh.
T h e /^ d iffe r s -in having no red about her*, and the throat F emale.
and hind head white, as well as -the ftripes on the fides of the
head, which are yellow in the male.
This fpecies inhabits- Virgtnia,Carolina, and Cayenne. Kalm Place*
gives this as bad a character as the two laft,.inrefpea to the damage
it does to the apple-trees-
L’Epeiche, ou Ficvariéde la Encénada, Suf. oif. vii; p, .
~ * PI. enl. 748. ï. the male.
T HIS is a trifle bigger than our leaft fpotted Woodpecker; and, DeSc* , p tio b ,
-according to B u f on,, is one of the moft beautiful of its race:
the length in the plate is about fix. inches- The bill is of a lead I
colour: the irides white: the plumage in general confifts only of
two colours, grey-brown and white ; but thefe are irregularly
blended together, fo as to render it extremely beautiful; above
thefe colours are mixed tranfverfely, and beneath, in a perpendi-’
eular direction : the.head is-crefted, and mixed on the fides with-
enmfon : fides of the head , white, verging to brown under the.
eye: the quills are brown, dotted with, white: legs lead-
coloured. s
^The head of the female is wholly brown,,and it isdeftitute of a Fimal*..
M r at UnnT rCmarb’ that the femak which is la the right I cannot determine, not having feen it.has the crown red ■