P l a c e .
yellow, and white': fcapulars, upper wing and tail coverts, quills,,
and tail, the fame: all the under parts of the body are yellow, with
a mixture of faffron-colour.
Inhabits America.
D e s c r i p t io n .
Le Grimpereau violet du Brefil, B rif or», iii. p. 661. N° 30. pi. 32. f. 4.
Le Guit-guit noir & violet, Buf. oif. v. p. 541.
g I Z E of the crefted Wren : length three inches and one-third.
Bill feven lines long, and black : the crown of the head is of
a fine green gold : fides of the head, hind part of the neck, the
back, and fcapulars, fine velvet black : lower part of the back,
the rump, leffer wing and upper tail coverts, violet, with a glofs
of polilhed fteel: throat and fore part of the neck bright violet :-
the breaft purplilh cheftnut: from this to the vent it is black:
thighs cheftnut brown : the quills and tail are black, the laft
edged with violet.
P l a c e . Inhabits B ra jil.
32. ,
Certhia muraria, Lin. Syf . i. p. 184. N° 1 .-—Scop, ann. i. pv $i. Np 58.
Le Grimpereau de muraille, Brif. orn» iii. p. 607. N° 2. t. 30. f. 1. the-:
Le Grimpereau de muraille, Buf. oif. v. p. 487. t. 22. the female.—PL enl..
372. f. 1 ,2. male and female.
Picus murarius, Raiijyn. p.46. N° i.— Kram. el. p. 336. N° 6.
The Wall-creeper, or Spider-catcher, Will. orn. p. 143. t. 23.
■ 1 ------------- -— Edsw. glean, iii. t. 361. the female.
P e s c r i p t io n . g I Z E of a Sparrow: length fix inches eight lines. Bill from
fourteen jto twenty lines in length,.much arched at the end,.
7 not
not unlike that of a Hoopoe-, colour black: the head is of a
brownifh afh at top : the hind part of the neck, the back, and
rump, fine blueiih afti: breaft, belly, thighs, and under tail coverts,
the fame, but darker : the throat is black, extending fome
way down the neck : the leffer wing coverts are rofe-colour; the
greater the fame on the outfide, but black within: the greater
quills are blackifh, with the tips whitilh; the outer edges of molt
•of them, except the outer ones, are rofe-colour; the fecond,
third, fourth, and fifth *, have two fpots o f white cn the inner
web; the fixth has one white and one fulvous fpot; and the reft
have molt of them a fulvous fpot: eight of the middle tail feathers.
are blackifh, edged with grey at the end ; the two outer
ones on each fide have white tips; the legs and claws are black:
the claws very long and crooked, efpecially that o f the back
The female has the fame markings, and differs only in having
the throat and fore part of the neck white, and in wanting the
black fpot on the throat. It has a loud and ftrong voice, which
may‘be heard a great way off; but at the fame time it is melodious.
It lives on flies and Ipiders.
Authors mention this as a bird of Europe, being found in many
parts of Italy, but efpecially at Auvergne Buffon does not rank
it as a bird of France J ; and I will venture to fay that it was ne*
ver found in England, whoever may affert to the contrary. This
is a folitary bird; feeds on infects, and has the fame manners
7 3 t
F e u * t i
l l i
* A feather marked in this manner is reprefented in Ed*tv. t. 361.
■ f It is known by the name of Pic d’Auvergne. Scopoli, Salerne.
t I find it ranked with the reft as an inhabitant of Lyons, but is little known
there. It never unites into bands, nor feen more than two and two together.
Hiß. de Lyon» i. p. 215.
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