three toes j two being placed before, and one behind : the legs
are the fame colour as the bill.
P lace, Inhabits the Eafi Indies.
Sonnerat fays, it is the moft brilliant of birds. The bill is long
in proportion : the whole head, and upper parts of the body, deep
lilac: wings blue black : quills edged with blue: under parts of
the body white: legs reddilh : toes only three in number.
This was found at Luzonia; and, no doubt, is the fame bird as
.the firft defcribed.
G enus
Genus XXIV.
N° i . European N.
Var. A . Lefier N;
Var. B.
Var. C.
2. Canada N .
Jamaica N.
N U T H A T C H . .
Var. A.
N* 4. Great N.
5. Spotted N.
6. Surinam N.
7.. Chinefe N.
THE bill of this genus is moftly ftrait ; on the lower mandible
aEmail angle;
Noftrils fmall, covered with briftles reflected over them.
Tongue fhort, horny at the end, and jagged.
Toes placed three forward and one backward; the middle toe
joined clofely at the bafe to both the outmoft; back toe as large
as the middle one..
The general manners of the whole of this genus, are fuppofed
to correfpond with thofe related under the firft. Ipecies, which it.
the only one found in England.