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Place and
M anners*
P A R A D I B I, R D.
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broad bar of green, having the luftre ,of polilhed metal : the
belly wholly white * : from each fide, beneath the wings,-fpring
feveral feathers of a greyifh white, tipped - with lucid green : the
tail is not much more than an inch in length, and the wings,
when doled, reach confiderably beyond it : . from the place-of
the middle tail feathers, fpring two feathers which are webbed at
the origin, the reft of the way quite naked, except at the extremities,
where they are again webbed on one fide, and coil in a
ipiral manner 5 the webs of a green-colour, and very glofiy : the
legs are about as ftout as thofe of a Lark, and are yellowilh
It is found principally at Aroo, but only during the dry monfoon,
coming from New Guinea, where it is fuppofed to breed. It is
called at Aroo, TVowi, TVrwi; in the Papua ijlands, Sopclo-o; being
brought chiefly from Aroo Sopclo-o; and efpecially from Wadjir,
a well-known village there.
The Dutch call it King Bird, and get it from Banda,
to which place it is brought by the natives of the iflands
where it is found. It is faid not to affociate with any other
o f the Birds of Paradife';' but flits folitary, from bulh to bulh,
wherever it fees red terries, without ever getting on tall trees.
This fpecies is much more fcarce, and in courfe much feldomer
met with in cabinets, than either of the former. .
lÉÉ 1
* In fome fpecimens, there is a narrow bar of yellow above the green one>
and the belly is green and white mixed.
L ’Oifean