D escription.
D escription.
P lace.
D escription.
Yellow-cheeked Creeper, Gen. o f Birds, p. 60. pi. 3. f. 2.
£ ^N L Y half the fize of the common Creeper: head, back,
wings, and tail, green.: cheeks and throat deep yellow:
breaft and lides yellowifh green, marked with blueilh fpots : belly
Inhabits Surinam.
g I Z E of a Wren : length four inches and a quarter. Bill nearly
an inch, curved, and black: the top and fides of the head,
talcing in the eyes, hind part of the neck, and back, are green:
chin, throat, and breaft, deep blue: belly blue but paler : on each
fide of the neck, between the blue and green, yellowifh white:
quills and tail black : legs yellow : claws black.
Inhabits Cayenne. In the colledtion of the Dutchefs of Portland*
J ENGTH four inches. Bill more than three quarters of an
inch, curved, and black: the head, throat, hind part of the
neck, back, and wing coverts, are green: quills and tail dufky
black: the fore part of the neck of an high orange red: the
breaft and belly pale yellow: legs diifky.
Inhabits P la c e . Africa. From Mr. Smeathman.
Lev. Muf.
y ENGTH feven inches and a quarter : fize of the lefier
Thrufh. Bill fomewhat bent, (lender, long, and dufky; nof-
trils large, and covered with a membrane : tongue fharp, penicil-
liform at the tip : irides hazel: on the cheeks a narrow white
fpot: the head, efpecially on the crown, inclined to violet: the
plumage in general is olive green, inclining to yellow on the
under parts:: the quill* are brown : the fecondaries edged with
olive: the colour, of the tail like that of the fecondaries, and
fomewhat forked : legs dufky blue: claws black; the hind one
the longeft.
Inhabits both the iftands of New 'Zealand. It has an agreeable
note in general; .but at times fo varies and modulates the voice,
that it feems to imitate the notes of all other birds ; hence it was-
called by the Englifh the Mocking-bird.
The fpecimen in the Leverian Mufeum has no red on the head,
which is thus accounted for:— This bird being fond of-thrufting
its head into the bofom of flowers which have a purplifh-coloured
farina, much of it adheres to the feathers about the head and bill,
and in courfe gives the appearance above mentioned j but this in
time rubs off, and the colour of the head appears the fame with the
reft of the plumage-»
D escription.
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