P lace.
V a* . A,
D escri? TJO».
d'eep red: the quills are the fame, with blueilh tips:, thighs o f a1
light yellow £ tail deep red legs and claws light yellow.
Suppofed to be found in Mtxico; but Buffon wilhes this cir-
cumftance may be held in doubt, till further obfetvation may confirm
it,, as he thinks, from the length of bill, it is more likely
to prove a native of the old continent, as well, as the three f o l lowing..
It is laid to have a very agreeable voice.
t e Grimpereau rouge à telle noire da Mexique, Sri/, era. iii. p.
N° a j ,— Bu/. oif. V. p. 524.
Aviculade tatac ex N. Hifpaniâ, Set*, Thef. 74. pi. 70. f. 8.
Colius, Moehr. Gen. 16. p, 36»
^J'HIS is exactly of the fame fize and proportions as the laft.-
The bill is feven lines, colour not mentioned: the head is;
of a fine black : and the upper wing coverts golden yellow: the
reft of the bird is of a light red, except the quills and tail, which,
are of a deeper colour..
This is likewife faid to be found in Mexico 5 and not unlikely
related to the laft, or a variety. The difference of the length of
bill, Buffon feems not to regard, fuppofing the engraver may not:
have been accurate».
C R E E P E R.
Certbia gutturalis, Lin.SyJl.i. p, jgfi. N" 15. 24.
Le Grimpereau noiraftrq du Erefd, Sri/, urn. iii. p. 659. N* 28. pi. 23. f, 3. GREEN-FACED
U’Oifeau brun a bee de Grimpereau, Buf. oi/ V. p. 3 2 J,
-Grimpereau brun du Brefil, PI. enlum. 578. f. 3.
^ L M G S T the fize of a Linnet: length five inches four lines. Des CRIPTIOK.
Bill an inch long, and black : the forehead and throat is of an
elegant green gold : head, upper part o f the neck, and reft of the
body, blackifh-brown: the fore part of the neck bright red; but
the feathers are not red their whole length ; they .are black brawn
at the bafe, then a changeable violet green, and red only at the tips:'
the lefier wing coverts fine violet, the middle ones brown like the
•back; and the greater, and quills, rufous brown : the tail is of the
fame, colour : legs black.
This, Briffon fays, came from BrafiL Place.
£»e Grimpereau pourpré de Virginie, Sri/, urn. iii. p. 654. N* 26. 2~.
E ’Oifeau pourpré à bec de Grimpereau, Su/, vif. v. p. 526, PURPLE
Avis Virginiana phænicea, de Atotod di£U, Seia, The/, i. pl. 72. f. 7.
y ARGER than the laft ; length four, inches and a half. Bill D escription,
twelve lines and a half : the whole body is clothed with
purple feathers, not excepting the wings , and tail, which are of the
fame colour.
Inhabits Virginia. Seia feys that it fings well. Place.
4 Z 2 Certhia