F \ 1
S ex e s .
extends round the neck, forming a collar of an inch in breadth at
the hind part: below this the neck is of a blueifh afh-colour for
about one inch in breadth j and this colour paffes backwards to
communicate with the hind part of the neck, which, as well as
the back, wings, and tail, is of the fame colour: the bread; and
belly are deep ferruginous, and are feparated from the blue afh on
the neck by a line of white: thé vent and thighs are alfo white:
moft of the wing coverts are tipped with white: the fecondary
quills marked with a larger fpot of the fame: the baftard wing
and quills are black, tipped with white; the laft clouded with
white on the outer web, about the middle of each feather: the
tail is fpotted with white on both webs; and the tips o f all the
feathers are white : the legs are red.
The other fex differs fomewhat j for all the under parts o f the
body are white, and the white collar at the back part of the
neck is very narrow, but otherwife like the above. I received a
pair of thefe, in fine condition, from Jamaica, where they are
pretty common. Shane fays that his bird feeds on tejiacea$
baunts watery places near the fea 3 is ufually perched on trees,
and makes a chattering noife very loud. It is not eatable, or at
leaft good palatable food. Thefe appear to me ftrong varieties,
bearing place between the laft and following ijpecies.
£3 |1 II
■ Kit
lliiii !
K I N G S F I S H E R. 639
Alcedo alcyon, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 180. N° 7. (3. 2
Le Martin-pefcheur hupé de St. Domingue, B r if ora. iv. p. t i e . N° 22. +- V a r . B.
- P I . enl. 593 .
Le Jaguacati, Buf. oif. vii. p. 210.
American Kingfiflier, Edw. iii. pi. i i ç .
g I Z E of the laft r length eleven inches and a quarter. The D e s cr ip t ion
lower mandible is reddifh at the bafe : it differs very little in
the plumage from the other, except that the blueifh afh feathers
on the breaft are only tipped with cheftnut, inftead of having
a. band of that colour : and the thighs and under tail coverts
are mixed rufous and white: the quills and tail feathers are*
dotted on both webs with white: the legs are red: and the claws-
This inhabits St. Domingo-, and, according to Edwards, ap- Place.
pears in the fpring and fummer at Hudfon’s Bay.
Alcedo-alcyon, Lin. Syfi. i. pi. ig®. N° 7. y , ' - 2
Le Martin-pefcheur hupe du Breiil, Brif. orn. iv. p; 311. NT® 20. V ar, C.
Le Jaguacati, Buf. oif. vii. p. zio.
Jaguacati guacu, Raii Syn. p.491. N° 2.— Will. orn. p. 147-, N°2. pi. 24..
n p H I S is lefs than
X Thruftu The bill
the others, being not bigger than a
is near three inches long, and black: the"
D escription.
eyes are alfo black : the head iscrefted : the upper parts of the-
head and body are bright ferruginous: near the eye, on. each?
fide, is a fpot of white : round the neck is a collar of white: the
throat and under parts of the body are white; the quills are ferruginous,