P laces.
D escription.
tuginous, fpotted tranfverfely with white: the tail marked in the
fame manner: legs and claws black. .
Inhabits Guiana and Brajil, where it feeds on filh.
Le Martin-pefcheur tacheté du Bred, Brij• am. iv. p. 524. N° 25.
LeMatuiti, Buf. aif. vii. p. 212.
Matuiti, Rail Syn. p. 165. N» 3.— Will. am. p. 199. t. 38. Jig. bad.
the upper mandible a trifle longer than the under, and fome-
what bent at the point: the upper parts of the body are brown,
fpotted with pale yellow: quills and tail brown, marked with
tranfverfe pale yellow fpots: the throat is yellow: the under
parts of the body white, marked with fmall fpots of brown: legs
and claws dull alh.
Inhabits Brajil.
Le Martin-pecheur vert Sc roux, Buf. alf. vii. p. 21J.
_ de Cayenne, P l.en l. 592* f* * • the male.
f. 2. the female.
C IZ E of our common Kingsfifher: in length eight inches. The
° bill is black, and two inches in length : the upper parts of
the body are of a deep green, marked here and there on the
wings with fmall whitifh fpots, but not numerous : from the nof-
trils to the upper part of the eye a rufous ftripe: the under parts
of the body are o f a deep gilded rufous colour, palling behind as
a collar round the lower part of the neck : there is alfo a band
of black and white, mixed in waves, on the breaft : the tad
marked like the quills, being lpotted with white: the legs
The female wants the band on the bread, and the collar at the
back part of the neck.
Inhabits Cayenne.
F emale.
P lace.
Le Martin-pêcheur vert Sc blanc de Cayenne, Buf. aif. vii. p. 216.— PI.
tnl. J91. f. i. 2.
Lev. Muf.
J ENGTH feven inches. Bill black: the Upper parts of the D escription.
body are glolfy blackilh green: a white line arifes at the
bafe of the bill, and pafles beneath the eye, on each fide, to the
hind head : on the wings are fome white marks: the under parts
of the body are white, varied with fome»fpots o f the fame colour
as the back : the breaft and fore part of the neck are rufous for
an inch and a half in breadth: the legs are red.
The female wants the rufous mark on the breaft. Fem ale.
This is a native of Cayenne. Place,
Le Martin-pefcheur du Brelil, Brif. am. iv. p. 310. N4 19. 31.
Le Gip-gip, Buf. aif. vii. p. 217. BRASILIAN
'T pH IS equals the cbmmon Kingsfifher in fize. The bill and eyes Description.
are black : the plumage on the upper parts is compofed of
a mixture inclining to rufous, mingled with cheftnut, brown, and
white: the under parts of the body are white : on each fide of
the head is a brown ftiipe, arifing at the bafe of the bill, and paf-
4 N ling