67» BB EE EE -- EE AA TT EE RR..
V ar! c . Le petit Guefpier des Philippines, Brif. orn. iv. p. 555. N'5’ 10, f. 2.
D escription. 'j^'HIS is fix inches and a half long, and the fame in plumage
with the others, excepting that the ftreak on each fide of the
head, and the band on the throat, are blue : and the two middle
tail feathers do not exceed the others in length, but are narrow
the whole way, and black : indeed it is very probable, that the
bird might have loft the two old feathers, and that thefe might
have been two new ones not yet arrived at their full growth.
in which circumftance, this bird would be very little fhorter than
the firft defcribed, as the excefs of length in that arofe merely from
the two middle feathers ; both Linn cens and Buffon have therefore
fet them down as varieties only.
.Merops congener, Lin.SyJf. i. p.183. N° 5.
Le Guefpier à telle jaune, B'rif. orn. iv. p. 5^7. Itf0 2.
LTélérocephale, ou le Guêpier à tête jaune, Buf. oif. vi. p. 510.
Merops alter, feu Meropi congener, Raii Syn. p. 49. N° 4«
The other Bee-eater of Aldrovandus, Will. orn. p. 148.
D escription. ;J^'HIS is a trifle bigger than the common Bee-eater. The head,
throat, and all the under parts, are yellowifh : on each fide
of the head is a broad black band, which begins at the bafe of the
bill, and paffes through the eyes towards the neck : back and fca-
pulars fine cheftnut : rump, and upper tail coverts, mixed green
and yellow : leffer wing coverts blue; the middle ones mixed blue
and yellow ; and the greater ones entirely yellow : the quills are
B E E - E A T E R.
black, tipped with red : tail half yellow, half green : the legs are
Said to inhabit various parts of Europe, but particularly
Slra/burg, according to Gefner*.
Merops fuperciliofus, Lin. Syjl. L p. 183. N° 4.
Le Guefpier de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. iv, p. 545. N°7. ph 42, f. 1.—
PI. enl. 259, '
La Patirich, Buf. oif. vi. p. 495*
Merops Perfica, Pallas Trass, vol. ii. p. 708, N° 16. tab. D.
'T 'H I S bird is eleven inches four lines in length. The bill is
black, and an inch and three quarters long : on the forehead
is a narrow tranfverfe gpeenifh white band, which paffes over
each eye: another of the fame colour arifes at the bale of the
lower mandible, and paffes under the eye, both tending towards
the hind head; between which the parts are black; and in the
middle of this black fpace the eye is placed : the upper part of
the throat is of a yellowifK white, the lower cheftnut: the upper
part of the head dull greenifh cheftnut; each appearing
in different fhades of ligh t: the hind parts of the neck, and
upper parts of the body,' dull green, growing lighter towards
the rump : the greater wing coverts green, margined with brown
afh within ; the under parts of.the body are green, but paler than
the upper parts; paleft near the vent: the quills are green, and
many of them black at the ends; the firft the fhorteft : the tail is
dull green ; the inner webs of all but the two middle ones are
* Icon. am. p. 98.
4 R cin e re ou s :
4 -
D escription.