D e s c e i p t io n .
Peu ale.
Certhia Cyanaa, Lin. Syjl. i. 188. N° 24.
Le Grimpereau bleu du Brefil, Brif. orn, iii. p. ($28. N®"^. pi. 3,1. f. 5.-
Le G-uit-Guit noir & bleu, 2?»/*. az/I v* p. 529.
Grimpereau du Brelil; Pi. enl. 83. f. 2.
Guira-coereba, Raii Syn. p. 8-3. N° 11.—Mar eg. Bra/.'p. 212;
■---- —— — , Will. orn. p. 239. chap. 20.
Avicula de Guit-guit ex Infula Cuba, Sebar vol. L. t. 60. f. 5,..
Black and blue Creeper, Edv). ii. pi. 114.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
^T^HIS Is bigger than our Creeper : the length four inches and
A a quarter. Bill eight lines and a half in length, and black :
tongue the length of the bill, and ciliated : the top of the head
is beryl blue : the reft of the head, throat, fore part of the neck»
breaft, belly, fides, thighs, lower part of the back, rump, upper
tail and wing coverts, are of an elegant blue : on each fide of the
head is a black ftripe, in which the eye is placed: the hind part
of the neck, and upper part of the back, are velvet black: the
upper wing and under tail coverts are likewife black, but not fo
bright S the under wing coverts are brimftone-colour : the quill*,
are black on the outfides and tips, within brimftone: the tail
black : legs red r claws black.
Inhabits Brajil and Cayenne. Thele birds are found to vary
fomewhat in the diftributlon o f their colours : in fome there is.a
mixture of brown, and in others a mixture of black, on the breaft;
and in fome the-blue has a tinge of violet: the legs too are often
orange, yellow, or whitilh.
The female has the under part of the wings yellowilh grey.
Certhia cærulea, Lin. Syß. i. p.r8j.-N° 8. BLUE
« ■ - -------- , Scop. ann. i. p. 53. N° 61. CR.
Le Grimpereau bleu de Cayenne, Bri/. orn. iii. p. 626. N° 12. pi. 31, f. 4«
Variété de Guit-guit noir &• bleu, Bu/, oi/. v. p. 531.
Avis Hoitzillin, papilio vocata, &c. Seba, The/, t. 6i. f? 3.
Blue Creeper, Edw* i. pi. 21. f. I.
Certhia of Guiana,. Bauer. Guian. p. 1642
Lev. Mu/.
f p H I S is fomewhat bigger than bur Creeper:- length four Descs-iptio»^
* inches. Bill nine lines long, and black : the head is of a
moft elegant blue; but on each fide there is a ftripe of black like
velvet, in which the eye is placed: the chin and throat are marked
with black in the fame manner: the reft of the body violet blue :
the upper and under wing coverts, quills, and. tail, are black :
I'egs yellow: claws black.
Briffon mentions each feather of the blue plumage having a brown
bafe, then green, with the tip only blue; which circumftance likewife
is obfervable in the laft fpecies.
Inhabits Cayenne. &eba*Tays, that it makes its neft'with great pLACI.
art; the outfide is compofed of dry ftalks of grafs, or fuch-like,
but within of very downy, foft materials, in the lhape of a retort,
which it fufpends from fome weak twig, at the end of a branch
o f a tree; the opening or mouth downwards, facing the ground ;
the neck is a foot in length, but the-real neft is quite at the top,
fo that the bird'h'as to climb up this funnel-like opening to get at
die neft: thus it is feeure from every harm,,neither Monkey^ Snake,
Tit/, i. p. 106.