52* C U C K O W.
parts, From head to tail, are of a rich, gilded, glofly green: on
the head are five ftripes of white ; one on the middle of the forehead
; two others above the eyes, in lhape of eyebrows, palling' behind
j and two more, narrower, and Ihorter, beneath the eyes:
moft of the wing coverts, and the fecond quills, are tipped with
white j as are the tail feathers, and the two greater tail coverts:
the two outer tail feathers, and the outermoft quill, marked with
fmall lpots of white on the outer edge : throat and under parts
"white : the fides, and feathers which fall over the knees, marked
"with a few greenilh bars : legs grey : Ihins covered as far as the
middle with white feathers : the length of the tail is more than
three inches, cuneated, and, in its natural ftate, fpread out like a
fan ; it is an inch and a quarter longer than the wings; and feems
longer in proportion, in this bird, than in moll of the other fpecies.
P lace. This inhabits the Cape of Good Hope ■, and, when in fine plumage,
there is not a more beautiful bird.
P l .XXIII. g I Z E of a fmall Thrulh: length feven inches. Bill blueilh *
D escription. irides hazel: the upper part of the body green, with a rich
gilded glofs ; the under parts white, tranfverfely waved with green
gold: the under tail coverts almoft white: the quills and tail dulky-
brown ; the laft fhort, and but very little exceeding the wings in
length: the legs blueilh.
P lage. This inhabits New Zealand, where it is called Poopo-arowro.-^-
It fhould feem to hive feme affinity to the laft j but it has no
ftripes of white on the head, nor blotches of white on the upper
parts of the body : the tail too is much Ihorter than in that
fpecies. I believe it to be altogether new. I am indebted for
the figure I now give of it to the drawings o f Sir-Jofeph Banks.