4T* O R I O L E .
belly, vent, and under tail coverts, are dull ferruginous: the
leffer wing coverts are of this laft colour: the greater coverts,
quills, and tail, are black.; but the fecondaries are fringed on the
outer edge with dufky white: the legs are blue black.”
_ 1 have had m7 doubts whether this bird was at all allied to
either the true or baßard Baltimore i though tatejby affirms it of
■ the laft, and Brijfoti fuppofes it of the firft; and rather am inclined
to think it a diftind-fpecies, for more reafons than one. The
whole bird is left th.an either of them, and (korter : and; bill
fomewhat .different likewife. I. am. ftrengthened in this fuppofi-
tion, from feeing in the Brit.ijh Mttfeum a bird called the other fex
of this, and. pi aped as tu.ch in. the lame cafe, j This exactly corne-
fponds in fize and lhape, bill and legs. The head and hind past
o f the neck variegated with dufky and greeniih : chin and throat
Black: the breaft cheftnut red : the belly yellowifh: quills and
tail dufky with pale edges. Two o f the above-defcribed were
likewife fent lately to Ca.pt. Davies, for male and female o f the
fame fpecies.
4- l e s s e r
■ öriölus Xänthoras, Lin. Syft. i. p. 162. N° 14.
Le Carouge Ja Mexique, Brif. orn. ii. p. NP-aj. pi. 11. ■ [. 2.—.P/.
enl. 5. f. i.
Le petit Cul.jaatie de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iii. p. 2
Leffer BonanaBird* Eduj, pi, 243,
DEpcRt-pTiaif, L ENG TH feven inches and a half.. Bill blackiftt: face evfen
with the eyes : throat, quills, and tail, black: the reft of the
body o f a Bright yellow: wing coverts: b la c km o d of them
edged! with white,, as. are the quills ‘Within,, towards the bafe :
4^gs, and-claws, black.
O R I O L E.
Ih fotne of thefe which I received from Jamaica, the greater
wing coverts were wholly white, forming a bar of white acrofs
the wing, and the yellow of the body inclining to olive.
©riolus Dominicenfis, Lin. SjJH i, p, 163. N°'i4>
Le Caraugedte St. Domingue, Brif. orn. ii. p. i z i , N° 25. pi. 12. f; 3;—*
Buf. oif. iii. p. 247.—i?/. enl. v. N° 2.
J^ EN G TH eight inches.. General colour black, except a part
of the leffer wing coverts, and the lower part of the belly
and vent, which are yellow.
Buffan thinks this bird, to be the female of the laft.
Thefe inhabit Mexico,.Jamaica,, and St. Domingo: at this laft
place they are called Demoifelles.; at Jamaica| leffer Bonana-birds..
Their note is much, like that, of the golden fhrujh, with the lharp-
nefs of that of a., Maggie.. Like many of this genus, they fuipend
their, nefts, which are in the form of purfes, at the extreme twigs
of the branches of large trees, efpecially thofe which hang over a
river. J In thefe nefts. there are fmall. partitions,, in each of which,
there is a neft'.
The birds are laid. to. he very artful,, and difficult to be.
lie Carouge du Brefil, Brif. orn. ii. p. 120“. N” 24.— Buf. oif. iii. p. 249,
Jamacaii, RaiiSyn« p, 75.— Will. orn. p. 257. p].-42.— SuUrn. cm. p.221.
N° 4, pi. 16. f. j ,
Jf ENGTH nine inches and three quarters. Bill black; bafe
blue : head, and fore part .of the neck, black: the reft o f the
3 body.
D escription..
P lace.